Fighting the good fight.

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Janets Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Tuesday October 27th, 2001.
The dismissal bell rung ending 4th block. I slid my computer in its holder walking towards the auditorium I was ready to hear my results and head home.. I walked in cleaning my glasses so I could see the screen better.. I sat near the back watching the other staff members take their seats awaiting Ms. Braxton's presence. I laid my head in my hand massaging my temples closing my eyes..what I wouldn't give for a good nights rest..

Ms. Braxton: Hello Everyone...

??.: Hello Ms. Braxton.

The staff responded..

Ms. Braxton: As you all know I'm here to discuss changes and give out your grades on your work ethic assessment.. The first changes I'll be making is to the human anatomy slash biology whatever you wanna call it class.. we have to take some of the funds out of that class to support the avid program and the chorus program.

I stood up visibly upset..

Janet: How dare you take money out of those children's education!

I yelled out causing my co-workers to gasp and turn back..

Ms. Braxton: With all do respect Mrs.'s clear your very passionate about your job and I respect that, but these programs support students and get them a change to express themselves and show off talents outside of basic school curriculum.

Janet: And my class does that as well! Forgive me if you take offense to this but chorus has their ownbooster club and they throw many of fundraisers while my class thrives solely on school funds!! Riddle me this if she took some of the funds out of any of your classes wouldn't you be just as pissed as I am?!

I asked earning responses from all over..

LisaRaye: Mrs. Jackson has a valid point if you cut off their supply then you might as well stop teaching the subject.

Ms. Braxton: I love how you all have each other's back but as the principal I have to make the difficult decisions to benefit our students. Now head to the back tables to receive your scores.

I rolled my eyes walking away.. I've tolerated enough disrespect for one person today... I walked to the table grabbing the paper that had my name on it, I skimmed the paper till I got to my grade.. A 75?! Is she fucking kidding me.. I turned around watching her talk to Mrs. Sheard..after they exchanged a few more words her eyes landed on mine causing her to raise her eyebrow.. I shook my head walking away.. I've had it with this one. I walked to my classroom plopping down in my seat..

Janet: This day can't get any worse..

I heard my door slam shut causing me to clutch my chest.

Ms. Braxton: I hate that I'm making your day bad Mrs. Jackson..

Janet: I would very much appreciate it if you wouldn't slam my door again..Have some decorum Miss Braxton..

She chuckled sitting down in the desk in front of mine..

Ms. Braxton: I love how Passionate you are about your work..we can probably come to an agreement regarding your class funding..but I don't appreciate the dirty look you sent me when you read your scores.. I was simply grading you honestly..

Janet: You gave me a and me both know without me this damn school would go to shit!

She chuckled standing up..

Ms. Braxton: I understand your upset, but you will not disrespect me.. I am your boss..

I stood up walking over to her preparing to start an argument..that I was for sure going to win.

Janet: I'm sure your very bright Miss Braxton which means you would know that respect works both ways.. Which means if you don't offer me and my students the exact same respect that you want from us! I sure as hell won't offer it to y-

Ms. Braxton: That'll be enough.. From you Mrs. Jackson.. My head hurts and I don't wanna hear you run your mouth anymore...when there's so many other things you can do with it..

I raised my eyebrow taken aback from her chose of words..

Janet: Excuse you?! What you were hinting as was severely unprofessional. I wouldn't expect that from someone of your status... Unless I perceived you in the wrong way.

She shrugged turning on her heel walking towards my door.. she opened it looking back..

Ms. Braxton: See you tomorrow Mrs. Jackson..

She said putting an inference on Mrs, she shut the door walking out..I could hear the sound of her heels clicking against the floor slowly fade as she got further down the hall.

I walked in my bedroom kicking my heels to the side.. I slid off my pencil skirt unbuttoning my blouse.. I raked my hands through my hair tying it in a messy bun.. once I got into something comfortable I called my best friend of 7 years..Gil.. it rung for not even a minute before he picked it up..

Janet: Hey Gil..

Gil: Hey dunk..what's wrong you sound sad..oh that's right you haven't orgasmed once in your marriage.

Janet: Gil!

Gil: I apologize!! But it's true.

Janet: Anyways... no it's not's the new principal she's such an asshole! She has no sense of respect and she's completely unprofessional..can you believe she's taking funds out of my class to support avid and chorus.

Gil: Don't they have booster clubs supporting them?!

Janet: Yes! Then that bitch had the never to say "As your principal I have to make the difficult decisions to benefit our students and you" It took all of me not to walk up on that stage and break that ugly ass tennis bracelet!

Gil: She's not wrong about the principal par-

Janet: Do not piss me the fuck off right now.

Gil: Right Okay.

Janet: Oh and not only that! She graded me a 75 on my work ethic assessment! I'm the motha fucka that's been holding that school down for 5 years! And now this heifer comes around giving me a fucking 75! A 75!! You can't judge someone's teaching based off of being in their class for 20 MINUTES!

Gil: Got damn! She pissed you off. I'm sure she meant well she probably just wanted to hel-

Janet: Don't you dare Gil!

Gil: Calm down...

Janet: I am calm!

Gil: Look for what it's worth just go to school tomorrow like any other fought all you could she said it herself there's no changing her mind...Or you can just beat that ass..which seems to be the better idea.

Janet: There will be no dropping it and there will be no "beating that ass?" I'm most definitely not giving up and I will not act in violence for I have students to set the an example for.. So instead I'm going to march right into her classroom tomorrow and curse her clean out!

Gil: That is the literal opposite of what I told you..

Janet: I know but this time I can't take your advice..I have to set her straight..

Gil: Girl you never take my advice..

Janet: That is true.. but you know I always value your advice now I have to go.. Love you bye..

I hung up pulling myself out of seems as if it's just me tonight as usual.. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to rummage through the fridge..Not satisfied with anything I decided that I'll order out..hell why cook it's just usual.. I'll eat and rest well..I have to fight the good fight tomorrow.


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