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Janet's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Thursday October 29th, 2001.
I sat quietly awaiting Ms. Braxtons presence, I'm confused on how I was the one Invited to this dinner and she's the one late..it's very disrespectful and it's making me dislike her even more.. I sipped my Chardonnay while scrolling through my group chat messages with my good friends..they text so much I barely get to read them.. I heard a familiar faint clicking in the distance causing me to turn my head to the side to see those infamous red Louis Vuitton Heels.. I turned my head forward already feeling the heat of her presence the closer she got..

She sat down crossing one leg over the other sliding her black with gold in-crested rim Cartier glasses off of her face and into her purse.. How can someone with the salary of a principal afford all these name brand things?..

Janet: Nice of you to join..

Toni: Before you start I apologize I left the school a little late than usual and you know... Traffic.

I nodded turning my phone off placing it facing down on the wooden table..

Janet: I ordered avocado egg rolls and queso I hope that's fine..

Toni: Oh look at you taking charge and ordering..

I smiled before tensing up..I needed to get this off of my chest..

Janet: Toni you need to st-

Toni: Can I just say how beautiful you look..

Janet: I'm wearing the same thing I wore in school..

Toni: I know but you really are beautiful Janet..I know I come off strong and I get that your married but I just can't help myself..you just make me act so..bad.

I blushed as she visibly "checked me out" Janet Stay on topic..

Janet: That's sweet but this is strictly a-

Toni: I'm sorry to keep interrupting you but..are you happy? Your gorgeous but you don't glow like your happy..

Janet: Is it that obvious..?

Toni: Probably not to the other women because I doubt their getting some..but you..your so fine you need it.. and I crave to give it to you..that's only if you want it.

She said with a wink before tapping her nail against the table..

Janet: W-We can't... That's not right I love my husband..

Toni: That's sweet..but I'm sure you know that even a loving woman has needs..hell men do it all the time I don't see why we can't have fun..let me do something for you..in return for you being such a blessing to my eyes?..

She said rubbing my knee under the table.. I moved my knee clearing my throat..

Janet: Ms. Braxton...we can't..

I gritted out..

Toni: Oh but we can..

She said coming to my side of the booth..she pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear rubbing my bottom lip with the tip of her nail..

Janet: St-

She pushed her lips against mine running her hand up and down my face..the way she moved through my mouth exploring it..the way she made me feel like she needed this..my tongue intertwined with hers like this shot a rush of heat through my body..made me feel things I haven't felt since I was a teenager... She pulled away smirking..

Toni: You taste expensive..what's this your drinking?

Janet: Ch-Chardonnay..

She nodded grabbing my glass taking a sip moaning from the taste..

Toni: You have great taste..

Janet: I should go..

Toni: We haven't even gotten our food yet..and you still haven't apologized for not letting me pick you up..

Janet: You we're going to be late anyways and this has gotten to be a bit to much..

Toni: Don't run from me now baby I just got you..

I bit my lip looking at my watch..my husband would be home soon waiting for me while I'm here being deceitful.. This was a literal battle between what's wrong and what's right...I could give in to my lustful desires..or I could go home to whom my heart belongs to.. and give him all of me even if I don't get off in the process...

Janet: I-I have to go...please understand..

I said grabbing my purse.. she stood up backing away letting me out of the booth, before I could walk away she grabbed my wrist bringing her lips to my ears..

Toni: I've kissed you already and I've seen how you react to me..I will have my way with you Mrs. Jackson...

She let go of my arm downing my glass, leaving a small tip before walking out...
I pushed Wissam down on the couch pulling his pants down to his ankles, I sat on it without warning causing him to groan out, I'll admit my husbands weak my warmth makes him cum way to quickly but I need him to be strong for me today..after what happened at the restaurant I had to soothe the need and my vibrator wasn't going to cut it this time I needed something I could really feel..

I placed my hand on the back of his neck as I bounced and rotated against his erect penis..I couldn't help but moan at the feeling of his curved dick touching my spots and knocking my walls..even though he couldn't stay hard for long he sure did have a lot to make me feel good in the moment..

Janet: Touch it baby..

I said grabbing his finger placing it directly over my clit..he did as I said rubbing it exactly how I showed him.. I looked down speeding up feeling him throb inside of me..

Wissam: What has gotten into y-you.

He said stuttering..

Janet: Don't you dare cum..I'm nearly there and I won't let you fuck it up..be good and hold it please...

I said through moans as I continued to beg for him to hold his release..I sped up feeling my orgasm build up..the more I felt him twitch inside the further I was pushed to my long awaited release. I moaned releasing all over him enjoying the feeling of him explode inside of me.. I caught my breath laying my head against his..I haven't felt this good in a while..

Wissam: God I love you.

I laughed climbing off feeling our mixed juices leak down my legs..

Janet: I'm going to take a shower..care to join me?

He nodded smiling..maybe I need to mold him into a man who can not only care and love his wife the way he does but also please her...

BRO 😭! The things I come up with when I'm bored!

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