Are you Avoiding me?

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Janet's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
November 2nd, 2001.
I've been avoiding Toni all day. I made sure that she didn't get a chance to even see my face. This guilt was affecting my performance at work... I didn't even lecture today I just gave the kids a project to work on while I tried to sort out my thoughts. I've lost my control around Toni She's taken all my power and now I'm afraid if I go near her I'll do something I'll regret..once again. The fourth block bell rang dismissing my students. As much as I love these kids I need a break.

I walked to the restroom trying to mask my embarrassment. What we did was risky anyone could've found us and not only would I have lost my marriage I would've lost my job and respect as well. I always preach about honesty and doing right by people and yet here I am being deceitful. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror trying to find the old Janet. The Janet that could look in the mirror and see a woman who was true to her word, but yet I don't see her... I cant even recognize myself. The bathroom door closed followed by a click of the lock. I looked up to see her..

Janet: I don't need this right now Toni.

Toni: Are you avoiding me?

She said blocking the exit.

Janet: What do you think?! What we did was wrong! What you did to me was wrong...

Toni: Don't make this sound like I'm the bad guy! If I can recall your the one who begged for it..

Janet: I was tipsy and I wasn't in my right mind..

She scoffed rolling her eyes.

Toni: You wanted it more than I did! When I walked in I was willing to give you a free pass excusing that confusing bullshit you pulled in the parking lot but you kissed me first each time!

I shook my head trying to get her to budge but she wouldn't.

Janet: Why must you make this harder than it has to be?

Toni: Because I'm not going to let you continue toying with me! You need to tell me right now right here what you want!

Janet: I do- I- I want you?!

Toni: If that's what you want then come get it..

She said crossing her arms.

Janet: I'm married.. and I love my husband.

Toni: Jesus Christ your acting like I'm asking you to leave him for me. I just want to play Janet no strings attached.. I just want to have you even if that's all I get..

I bit my lip walking to her... It's not wrong if I don't get caught..right? It's not like I'll fall for her..
Somehow we ended up naked on the pullout in her office. I'll admit this beneficial relationship we have going right now is already off to a great start. The pleasure I just felt can't be put into words. I checked my phone seeing that school has been over for an hour! I'm surprised we didn't get caught.. Oh shit Wissam.. I sat up startling Toni as I began putting my clothes back on.

Toni: Leaving so soon?

Janet: I'm supposed to be having dinner with my husband and his work friends In an hour.

Toni: Hubby can wait...Round three sounds much more fun.

I chuckled grabbing my things.

Janet: Same time tomorrow?

Toni: Come to my house this time.

I nodded giving her something sloppy to remember me by before leaving.
I sat in silence as they talked all night about stocks and shit I didn't know nor cared to find out about. This dinner was miserable I was ready to get the check and go, but his boss just wouldn't stop ordering drink after drink! You could tell his girl friend wasn't feeling it either.

 This dinner was miserable I was ready to get the check and go, but his boss just wouldn't stop ordering drink after drink! You could tell his girl friend wasn't feeling it either

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(Fuck she's fine!)

Gemma: Excuse me Boris I have to use the lady's room. Janet does as well Wissam.

Wissam: Is everything alright Jan?

Gemma: It's a Woman thing Wissam.. You wouldn't understand.

He said oh right before standing to help me up. I looked up mouthing thank you as he helped me out of the booth. We walked to the restroom hand in hand sharing a laugh.

Janet: I can't thank you enough.

Gemma: I saw how bored you were and I figured why not throw you a hook.

Janet: I'm glad you did that I was about to flip!

We both shared another laugh before she stopped to take a look at me. Was she checking me out or am I imagining this. Considering I had my fair share of drinks tonight to pass the time I wouldn't be surprised if I was making this into something that it wasn't.

Gemma: I forgot to mention how wonderful you look Janet. Your style is impeccable!

Janet: I can certainly say the same about you. Boris sure knows how to pick em. Hopefully he'll keep this one!

She laughed waking closer.

Gemma: Boris is fun but he's not ready for marriage no matter how many times he claims he is. What about you.

Janet: What about me?

Gemma: Care to share any secrets to that perfect marriage of yours.

Janet: Oh no.. I Can assure you we are far from perfect.

I laughed.

Gemma: I don't know.. If I had a woman like you on my arm I'd be perfect. Or maybe a man with your qualities.

Oh? I laughed.

Janet: I'm sure you'll find someone..

She took a few more step closing the gap between us.

Gemma: I have a feeling that in time that person will be you. You have everything I want in a partner physically... all I need to do now is get to know you. And to think I almost didn't accompany Boris to tonight's dinner.

Janet: Your too kind but I'm a married woman and I intend on staying a married woman.

Gemma: That's too bad.

Janet: Although I'm touched by your attraction to me. You should find someone you can actually have.

Gemma: I usually go for the things that I want.. I've always been told that I want the things I can't have, and I can't have you Janet. That makes this more thrilling.

She pushed herself against me kissing me. It was rough and full of lust..It was like she was attempting to fuck me with her mouth. I backed into the sink as I pulled her dainty little body closer to mine. All these newfound sexual conquests im having made me realize I truly hadn't been living.. Until now.
Her pussy pops severely 😛😛

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