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Toni's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Tuesday November 4th, 2001.
I know it was wrong of me to not to wake Janet up after what we did last night, but I couldn't help it sleeping next to her and with her was the only thing on my mind and I knew I wasn't ready for her to go home yet. It was 5 o'clock now and if we wanted to arrive to work on time it would be best for us to start getting dressed now, but all I wanted was to be in this moment with her. I'm not falling in love or anything trust me but she was the best I've ever had. I kissed her bringing my hand between her thighs. If I was going to wake her up it would be a pleasurable way to greet the new day.

She groaned opening her eyes she smiled rubbing my bottom lip just as she was about to kiss me her smile fell as realization sat in.

Janet: Fuck! I slept here all night!

She sat up moving slowly as she took her time walking to her phone.

Janet: Ten missed calls and texts.. Fuck!

Toni: I'm sorry I'm a horrible mistress I know but you looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you.

Janet: It's not your fault but we can't afford to slip up like this again.

I nodded before raising my eyebrow.

Toni: You..okay?

Janet: Yes why.

Toni: Your leg-

Her legs were shaking as she held onto my dresser.

Toni: Was I too good last night?

I said genuinely concerned. Sure I was proud if I did because I sure as hell knew she did a number on me, but I didn't want her to struggle with walking today or any day. She giggled before slowly walking over to me bending down to give me a sweet kiss.

Janet: You could say that yeah.. but I'll be fine I'm a big girl I can handle myself.

Toni: Well obviously your going to need a change of clothes... My closets over there pick whatever you want..

She smiled before thanking me. I'm going to be thinking about last night for the rest of this week..
I sat at my desk sorting through bills and other work related issues. A group of students promoted the idea of a car wash to raise money for a school wide party. I honestly thought it was a smart idea that the students were taking the initiative to do this to raise money for what they want to do. This shows that they have willpower to work towards something they want.

Today has been a hard day I haven't been able to focus like I wanted to especially with last nights actions playing on a loop in my head. My door opened and shut with a click of the lock snapping me out of the current replay of yesterday night.

Janet: I can't stop thinking about you..

She said wincing as she sat down.

Toni: Same here.. how are you feeling?

Janet: Still a little sore..

Toni: Is there anything I can do to help?

Janet: Well.. There is something you can do.

She said smirking.

Toni: As much as I'd love to your already in enough pain as is. But I can give you pleasure elsewhere.

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