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Janet's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Wednesday October 28th, 2001.
As soon as I stepped foot in my place of work I made my way to my class to print my reasons for why Miss Braxton shouldn't have acted so cruel! Considering she wouldn't listen to my words I came to the conclusion that she could just read them instead. I grabbed the paper from my printer making my way to Her office..I was a woman on a mission! Once I arrived I noticed how particular she was about everything it was so neat in her office, and it smelled good too..maybe she isn't too bad..

Toni: Missed me Mrs.Jackson? Because I sure did miss you..

She said causing me to turn around to catch her in the act of staring at my behind! This woman has no boundaries.

Janet: I can assure you..missing you was the farthest thing from my mind..

She laughed walking over to her coffee maker slightly bending over..I couldn't help but stare at her perfectly shaped behind..I guess I too am without boundaries.

Toni: What was it you needed?

She said walking over to her desk, breaking me out of my lustful gaze..

Janet: Uh uhm- since you won't hear me out you can read my reasons to why you shouldn't cut my monthly donations.

I said walking over to her desk sliding the paper over to her while sitting down.. She laughed scooting it back over to me making me frown..

Janet: Why do you act the way you do?!

Toni: Oh calm down and fix your face... I'm not removing profits from your class..You and the other faculty members are so passionate about this so I rearranged some things to make everyone happy.

I raised my eyebrow smirking earning a smile from seems me and my peers resistance paid off...But wait why in the hell did she not do that in the first place?!

Janet: Why couldn't you just do that in the first place?!

She shrugged taking a sip of her coffee before placing the mug back on the coaster.

Toni: Because I didn't want too.

I scoffed standing up..

Janet: This is a place of business! You can't not do certain things just because you don't "want to."

Toni: I was going to explain myself but I remember that my name is on that door under principal which means that I'm your boss WHICH MEANS I don't have to explain myself!

She said with a little to much base in her voice. More base then needed. She's lucky I don't pop her in her mouth for speaking to me that way.

Toni: Now I've changed my original plan to satisfy your needs I say that calls for a truce.

She said standing up walking over to me.. A truce? Is she even deserving of such an agreement?! I mean sure she didn't cut my funds but that doesn't change the fact that she's an inappropriate assh- be the bigger person Janet..

Janet: Fine..

She smirked opening her arms for an hug. I rolled my eyes returning the hug instantly backing away when I felt her hands graze my ass.

Toni: Oops. I didn't mean to go that low Mrs. Jackson.. Please forgive me.

Janet: That is sexual assault!

Toni: Calm down Jackson..I barely touched it.

I rolled my eyes. She clearly wasn't taught manners in the days of adolescence.

Janet: You need to be taught a lesson on where your allowed to touch people Miss Braxton.

Toni: if there's anything else you need.. email me..

I scoffed leaving...what a bitch! Considering there was a group sex talk in the auditorium I had 1st period and planning all to myself. I needed a break from my students even though I love my 1st period, but after my run in with Toni I need some time to digress.. I put in my EarPods turning on my favorite podcast.. I raked my hands through my hair as I started planning new lessons.. I was deep in my work when I felt a tap on my shoulder..I can't seem to get this woman to stay away from me.

Janet: Ms. Braxton.

Toni: I was celebrate your "victory" and our newfound friendship we should go to dinner.

Janet: Why should I go with dinner with someone who can't seem to keep their hands to them-

She let out an exaggerated sigh grabbing a hold of my chin..

Toni: Don't make me curse you out...I'm starting to really enjoy you. Now will you do me the fucking honor and come to the got damn dinner at Tanqueria Tsunamis! Or do I have to drag you there!

How can one be so small hold so much aggression?

Janet: I suppose I'll accompany you to dinner.. but this will be the only time.

Toni: We'll see about that..

She said sitting down on the chair next to me..

Janet: What time will I have to be there?

Toni: I'll be picking you up.

Janet: That won't be happening.

Toni: Jesus Christ your so fucking difficult!

I rolled my eyes standing up walking past her opening the door while maintaining eye contact..

Janet: I'm sure you know I have things to do and your currently waisting my time..

Toni: Jesus need to be spanked.

She stood up walking out leaving me to think hard and Long about her stating I need to be spanked..I'm a grown woman that would be completely inappropriate.. it seems that every situation I get into with this woman is inappropriate!! It has to stop and I'll be sure to set her straight at this so called dinner..


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