Vanessa. :(

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Toni's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Wednesday November 5th, 2001.
I sat on my couch pushing the plate in front of her. It's been a while since Vanessa and I last talked. Some would say we didn't leave off on a good note.

Vanessa: You know I've missed you Toni.

Toni: I hope you booked a hotel because your definitely not staying here.

Vanessa: How much you wanna bet?

She said flicking the tip of the broccoli with her tongue. I rolled my eyes ignoring the throbbing sensation between my legs.

Toni: Why are you here Vanessa?

She stopped chewing before laying her fork back on her plate.

Vanessa: I told you I missed you Toni...and when I was informed by your sisters you were entertaining someone at your work place I knew I had to come get my baby.

She said standing up to grab my chin.

Toni: I'm happy.. You can't do this to me again. Come and leave I didn't love you. Your the reason why I'm 25 and alone. I've been waiting on you a-

She stopped my rant pulling me into a passionate kiss.

Vanessa: Stop talking and show me how much you missed me.

As much as I want to deny my feelings for Vanessa.. She was my first love and I'm a single woman I'm allowed to indulge. I stood letting her sit me on the table.

Toni: Are you going to stay this time?

I said whimpering as she caressed up my leg grazing my clit through my panties.

Vanessa: I guess we'll just have to see.

She said before dropping to her knees. I know that me and Janet aren't exclusive, but I feel the need to be loyal to her, but my heart.. It's always belonged to Vanessa.. and it always will. Right?
Janet's Point Of  View.
The memory of last nights altercation kept replaying through my mind while grocery shopping. I already knew Gemma was trouble considering she came onto a married woman, but I didn't perceive her to be this kind of person, because of her I've been walking on eggshells around Wissam. It seems she's finding some delight in my fear. I've been receiving all kinds of weird text from her, but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction from me. She thinks toying with my personal life is some sort of game.

I decided to stop by Toni's today we haven't talked since the incident and I wanted to see her. She lived rent free in my head and considering our date went well before Gemma came it wouldn't be so bad to be in her presence right now. I connected my phone to the car before calling Gil. I've missed a few calls due to trying to please both Wissam and Toni on top of work and everyday responsibilities.

Gil: Bitch I'm going to pretend that your not just now calling me back after I called you twice Monday and once Tuesday.

Janet: I know I know I'm sorry I've been..busy.

Gil: Yeah I'm aware.. Wissam called me Monday asking if you were okay and when you'd be home since you told him that you were there! But I recall something completely different. Care to explain?

Janet: Shit.. Right I'm sorry I was at Toni's..

Gil: Okay I'm confused I thought we wanted that heifer dead.

My Kind Of Woman..Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora