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Toni's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Thursday, November 6th, 2001.
I've been watching Janet closely all day. Her mannerisms were off today, and it was almost like she was deliberately trying to ignore my presence. Usually, we would sneak small glances or small conversations here and there, but today it's nothing. I knew this was about Vanessa but I'm not understanding why she feels it's okay to be acting this way. She's the one who made it very clear that this was only sex. I stood up following closely behind her. Once she made it into her class I took it upon myself to shut the door locking us in. She jumped turning around as she rolled her eyes.

Janet: Oh it's just you. You gave me a sca-

Toni: What is wrong with you?

She sat on the edge of her desk crossing one leg over the other.

Janet: Nothing why?

Toni: You're acting weird. Is this about Vanessa?

Janet: God no.

I crossed my arms shaking my head. Getting to know Janet gave me an advantage. I knew what she liked and what she didn't like, and I also knew the small things she did when lying.

Toni: You're full of shit.

I said laughing. She smiled before groaning.

Janet: Yeah. I am. It's just I saw the way you guys act with each other and I'll be honest it did make me a little jealous but that's not my place. I'm just someone who you let in your bed from time to time.

Sighing I walked over standing in between her legs. I've been told that by plenty of people before hell I've said that myself, but I sympathize with Janet. I don't know why but I do.

Toni: What do you want from this?

Janet: We're here for se-

Toni: I mean what do you really want because you're telling me one thing but showing another?

She smiled rubbing my bottom lip.

Janet: I want a kiss.

I rolled my eyes backing away. She grabbed my hands pulling me back before laughing.

Janet: Okay okay. I like you obviously and in another lifetime I would want us to be the endgame, but realistically I know that this could never go further than the bedroom. You're young and still experiencing life I don't want to be the thing that holds you back. I respect and I l-like you enough to where I would never compromise your reputation like that.

Toni: But you-

Janet: Just hush.

She said placing both of her thumbs on my lips.

Janet: I'm okay with being your bedroom boo Toni. Just make sure you make our time together perfect. Now speaking of time..

She looked up checking her watch while caressing my chin.

Janet: We got about thety minutes.

She said faking a country accent. I laughed putting some space in between us.

Toni: I'm not in the mood right now. Come to my office during lunch.

She smiled nodding before pecking my lips. Truth be told I was hurt by what Janet said. She pretty much said that we would never be anything more than a sexual relationship and that hurt. I knew that was the truth and I'm not saying I wanted anything more but to know that if I did feel those feelings towards her
she wouldn't even entertain them and that sucked. I sat in my desk chair keeping busy we had a few minutes to spare before we continued our conversation. I worried about how I was going to juggle Vanessa and Janet. They both have certain needs that they want fulfilled frequently. I'm only one person I can't give them what they want as often as I would if it was just them, and honestly they were both freaks and I'm not sure if I can handle all of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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