2. After Hours

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He threw his backpack across the room, relieved that the day was finally over. The Serenade's last stop—Red Bull Bistro & Cafe was where he had to deal with yet another screams from fans that gave them the energy and power they craved. Never have he ever felt happier than this, performing in front of at least 500 people in a famous cafe, a cafe where all of the rising stars stepped in to be famous. It is said that the cafe is popular to be known as 'a place of shooting stars' because most of the celebrities who ever performed there during their promotions will be super famous and will be the talks of netizens. In other words, Red Bull Bistro & Cafe is like the Coachella of Seoul, South Korea.

"Phew, RB Bistro and Cafe? Check!"

Taeyong giggled seeing the energetic Yuta shouting over their schedule on his Ipad. Johnny left them to take another shower due to the extreme and intense stage they had—though he didn't smell bad at all, approved by Johnny stans. While the oldest one disappeared behind the bathroom's door, Doyoung scrolled through Twitter to see the current trending topics and hashtags in South Korea. It was true, their band's name was topping the chart—'Jaehyun's new guitar', 'JOHNNY', 'THE SERENADE ON RBB&C' and last but not least, 'Taeyong's cowboy outfit'. Those topics kept on getting mentioned and many Twitter stans uploading more HD photos from the mini concert in the cafe.

"Oh my, Jaehyun your guitar's getting the attention it deserves." Doyoung joked, stealing the leader's attention while he shyly laughed at the topic related to him. The cowboy outfit was meant to match the theme of the cafe—so he took a bold choice on wearing only an unbuttoned cowboy vest with a blue jeans and a pair of black boots. The outfit—surely—drove the fans crazy since Taeyong is definitely and undeniably, an unbeatable bassist for this rock band's generation.

"Oooh, Taeyong's sweaty abs." Jaehyun playfully moved his eyebrows while pretending to checking out the leader who now had his baggy sweater on. The atmosphere of the 2 AM had them went silent again, with Yuta sleeping on Doyoung's lap and Johnny—who just came out with a new white shirt—laying right beside Jaehyun.

"So what will we do tomorrow?" Johnny asked, eyes focused on his polished nails. The leader was taking a good look on the table, smiled as he saw some blank spaces and blank boxes—no notes, no activities and no appointment.

"Tomorrow we have nothing to do"

Johnny threw a smile, too exhausted to move his face muscle. Though the room was filled with tired and drained out men after a whole day of works, none of them radiate negative energy. Why do some people do that?—they thought, thus going back home all together is the most perfect thing to happen in their life when no one creates drama and so on.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that there's something I want you guys to know. Our promotion week is extended, means we have two weeks full of promotions and stuff. But, no rush! Since we have two weeks, we can slowly reduce our working hours so we wouldn't have to stay up too late." Taeyong read the messages he received from their manager.

The manager, Jo Hanjoon, is known for being the best manager for every artists he had been working with. His best comeback was with The Serenade—he admitted once in an interview, he enjoys working with them since the last group was mistreating him and using him for advantages, that leads to his hiatus from working for three years. The band, too, was very grateful they were now working with him, he gave the best cooperation and the best when it comes to time management.

"Wow! Our Hanjoon is the best!" Jaehyun exclaimed, with rush of excitement flowing through his veins right after Taeyong's mini announcement. This is what he craved even before he was a child—to have a bright future as a musician and enjoy every single moment of exhausting activities because he loves being busy. The post-activities are what he wanted to witness with his own eyes, being satisfied with his own achievement.

"Yeah, he's the best. Oh also, before we all go to sleep, I want us to go out." Doyoung stood up proudly, stretching with a smile plastered on his reddish face. Johnny chuckled, pulling his hand quite harshly till he fell on his butt.

"To where? If it's Han River again, then I don't want to."

"Please, Yuta, not that place again, I hope so. Too crowded and of course—the fans are everywhere, I want some spaces just for us you know." Johnny added, eyeing Doyoung across him who still had a smile on his face, yes, the gummy smile that annoyed Johnny to death—he flashed a smile right after.

"It's my cousin's cafe! It's pretty hidden and she said people who come to her cafe is around 15 to 20 a day. It opens around 8 or 9... I forgot, but nevertheless, let's go there tomorrow!"

"Is our safety guaranteed?"

"Jaehyun dude, it surely will bro. Come on, she's a cousin of mine why would she uses us to attract customers without permission?" Doyoung's body language was the main highlight that midnight, with his arms opened wide to an unknown direction, eyes wide like it might could pop out if its sockets anytime and annoyed little face he owned.

"Alright, count me in."

"Me too!" Added Johnny as soon as Jaehyun threw a positive answer. In the end, The Serenade will always be five no matter what situations are they in or included, the bond between them never breaks for a second—it stays strong regardless of what crazy waves and soft sand coming through their journey.

"Yeah, we'll go. I want to sleep, is there anyone can help to check on my bass? I guess there was something off with it back at the RBB&C." Taeyong yawned, as well as Yuta who rarely lost his energy that fast. Doyoung volunteered to go the studio, which only takes 10 minutes from their shared house. It wouldn't be a big deal to help the worn out leader only for tonight.

"I'll go,"

"You sure you wanna go alone?"

"It's okay, I left something there too."

"Aight, see y'all next morning."


Serenade, Jung Jaehyun [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz