11. Are You Coming Tonight?

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"THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!" Yuta screamed, right into Jaehyun's right ear making the pale one scream too. The leader grinned, happy seeing his members excited over the new journey they are about to experience. Johnny felt like a drumstick was breaking his spine as he was the one who was helping the staff to move their stuff to the backstage—mind you, the others were giving a hand too but they chose to bring out some lightweight things, which Johnny thought wasn't helping at all.

"Doyoung, can you PLEASE move this speaker for us?"

"Can't you see I'm bringing these in-ear boxes"


The sound of raging Johnny made them laugh, but Jaehyun was the one who surely helps since he's scared of that folk. Just another normal day for The Serenade.

"Is Jiah coming?" Taeyong's question, way too sudden to Doyoung's sensitive ears. He leaned on the car, examining the now neon haired person near the speaker. "Why? I was just asking."

"Are you picking up an interest in my cousin? I can't deny it tho, she's beautiful and more."

Taeyong coughed, denying the truth. Who knows that was true? Doyoung only left there alone, holding back his giggle as he knew where this is going. As Doyoung being lost in his train of thought, the leader and the eldest greeted some idols and and even soloists who were passing by their tent. Johnny was almost freaking out once he saw Aespa standing on the stage, doing their soundcheck and rehearsal. Two more groups and it will be their turn, their nerves are out of the roofs.

"Y'all, that's Aespa!"

"They are stunning, can't wait to look forward to their stage outfit." Taeyong voiced about whole adjusting his bass. The rest of the members were just as loose as possible, working hard on themselves can worsened their mental condition during their performance. Jaehyun was with his pick, Yuta and Doyoung were harmonizing some of the band's songs and Johnny was out of the tent, still doing his meet and greet with more idols. Very Johnny behaviour.

Ironically, there's only someone whose his mind was wandering to somewhere else, not this venue, not the guitar pick, not his upcoming performance. The person who once he accidentally took care of back in that one night, Shin Daeun. Quite corny and quick-paced but well, oh well, who can resist the beauty and demeanour of Shin Daeun?

"Just like the other days, Jaehyun. You look like you're not worried at all!" Doyoung's loud voice filling up the whole tent, leaving the dimpled one giggled inaudibly. Just so you know Doyoung, his mind was stuck inside of his own apartment.

"Do you think I'm able to perform my solo song tonight?" He looked up as he picked up an acoustic guitar from the floor.

"It is highly requested—and you even leaked the intro so it makes sense for you to perform it tonight, Jaehyun."

"No, I mean, I'm nervous."


The others laughed, Jaehyun loves to test their patience everyday. However, that was not the point of his tonight's solo's performance—it is actually about who will come.


Putting on her best perfume—just so she doesn't smell bad all night long—, her knee length boots, white dress that stops right on her thighs with cute medium sized puff on shoulders, white chrome nails and last but not least—glittery cool toned purple makeup look to spice up her concert night. Stunning, she's a stunner! While the boys were in their own styles but as usual, every eyes were stuck on Sunghoon. Sunghoon had a temporary tattoo on his left bicep and he was holding a brown leather jacket, matched with his jeans. Jake had his cap on and Sunoo styled his hair slick back to look 'straight'.

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