5. Spring Day

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"Good morning, peeps! Here's your favorite radio station, Tracks FM on 85.35 MHZ with the booming band, The Serenade!" The DJ's cheerful voice rang through radio station—she welcomed every single member and even introduced them very patiently to the mic. The energy everyone need, thus, all of the members were hyped once they heard they will be going to the Tracks FM.

"Fast forward to the album! During the short break, we just listened to Emerald Sea, which was composed by one of the member, Yuta."

"Yes, I did and I will never be tired from saying how proud I am." To the listeners who watched the radio show through Youtube live, they could see an energetic Yuta dancing lively while Johnny pushing his arm away from his sight playfully.

"That's a good one! I see Emerald Sea becomes another iconic heartbreak track from you guys. Would you like to tell a story behind it?" All eyes were aiming the long haired one, as he chuckled while tapping the mic nervously.

"I will never be tired from explaining this song, because it's just so good to me."

"I agree," Taeyong bugged in, receiving nods from the other members.

"You know, when a couple go on a date, one of the location would be beach—am I right? Ain't no way I'll be changing thd title to 'Emerald Swamp' right?" Yuta's lame joke was the main highlight for today's radio show—with the DJ holding back her laughter, Jaehyun and Johnny punching him on the arms, Doyoung standing up dramatically—as if he was frustrated from a heartbreak in most K-Dramas and last but not least, Taeyong's low quality humor making him laughed out loud on his spot.

"Yah! That was your worst joke ever!" Johnny shouted, yet another chaos happened in the room.

"Okay, okay, I'll continue the song's explanation. Even Genius lyrics couldn't handle my jokes, no wonder we are not invited yet."

After another short break—to take a breath—he went into a full blast mode on exposing what was there in his mind when he wrote the lyrics of Emerald Sea—which is now known as The Serenade best heartbreak track, where fans clarify that if you go to the beach on a sunny day, you'll be crying instead of being annoyed of the sunlight.

"So, the story behind Emerald Sea is about a couple who has a hobby of going to their favorite beach every weekend and during their free time. He discovered one thing that is you know—kinda off to him because the girl always chose to go to the beach during hot days, where the sunlight is striking you could be dead due to dehydration."

All ears never left even a single word coming from Yuta, once in a while, the DJ would give responses to his story—which undeniably interesting, and has the special meaning into it.

"So one day—by his own—he went to the beach again and realized that the color of the beach only looked emerald during hot days—which also her favorite color. And—wait let me just finish this story, it's actually kinda sad. There was a lyric, during the bridge part, it explained most things about why she wanted to always reach out for the emerald beach. Turns out, she wanted to drown herself in the sea, because she had given up in life, but his existence helped her from—you know—death. He knew it—like everything, the whys and whats—a day before she passed away, due to the ferry she was in for a short vacay shrinked in the middle of the sea. So like, at the end, his feelings were mixed—because she achieved her dream, but he lost her."

The whole radio station went total silent, for a few minutes before the DJ went back on her charged mode after listening to the whole story. The members praised Yuta for the storyline he made by himself, he worked on it for a week just to create another heartbreaking masterpiece.

"Woah, that is tragic."

"It is indeed very tragic—all of us already heard of it and even read the storyline but I will never forget the story of it."

"It leaves so much impact on us and to the listeners." The broadcast went on for a few more minutes, more of cracking the meaning behind some side tracks like Almost and Favorite Hymn—as well as the hidden track where you can find it only on Youtube, half-awake. Knowing how the boys worked their butt off during the preparation for the first album, the radio crew gave them some gifts to enjoy before facing more hectic schedules the next week. Just like what other idols and celebrities do after a radio show ends, all of the members happily headed home to have a rest.

"What's next?"

"Preparing for a new content!" Taeyong looked extraordinarily giddy as he turned on the lamp switch before landing his back on the floor. The new content he meant—they are invited to a new show from the local TV channel—where they need to live three days and two nights at one of the chosen nature places (read: mountain, island, beach and so on.) with the main casts of the show. This show is Johnny's favorite and their shooting will begin the next week, they will be going to an island. This year's spring to summer would be the best seasons for TS since Johnny—as usual—already recorded more than two moments to upload it on their Youtube channel, keeping it as a spring to summer memory.

"Hell yes! Can't wait to show my fishing skill."

"Weren't Yuta used to punch a fish during our picnic last year?" Jaehyun started to tease the hyper one, leaving him all scared from getting beaten by the older one.

"You should ask Hanjoon the reason why he never invited Yuta to any picnic and camping shits anymore. He's wilder than any creatures in the world."  Doyoung came in with arms protecting the snacks he sneaked in, coming from Taeyong's car.

"Speaking of Hanjoon, will he be joining us at the island?"

"He will, but only on the first day. I heard that he'll go to New York."

"Ah, I see what it will be if there's 'New York' in it." Taeyong raised his left brow, slowly leaning back to rest his head on the couch. The atmosphere went completely silent again. Each of them were thinking of more possibilities to go bigger after the album release, during end of winter. The spring has come, to one of the member, Jaehyun, he thinks that spring has a lot of magical things and memories and that's the thing that brought them to this level. Hence, all of them were putting a lot of trust in this comeback and wishing all the best for their dream—there's always more to come.

"I can't believe it's spring."

"And I can't believe there are so many good things ahead us."

"Yeah, how crazy is it to face more crazier shits right in front of us. Nevertheless, I never care, as long as we are still together."

The whole members cringed hard to Taeyong's words. Yeah, shouldn't have heard the leader spit out more words because his words are often spoken as a poem, but not to them. He's too flowery and floral, in general, for this cruel world—says Doyoung.

"Speak nonsense once again or I'll punch Yuta."

"Why it has to be me again?!"

"You suit my fists." Johnny threw a hug to Yuta as the hugged one—well, sounds not good—choked for air. The youngest was ready with his phone camera to, again, record the lamest thing possible to keep in it his camera roll. A day to remember is everyday.


Serenade, Jung Jaehyun [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now