8. Take You Home

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Here she was, Shin Daeun, in the passenger seat beside the driver's seat—in Jaehyun's car all the way home from the bar. To sum it up, Jaehyun decided to bring her home and even told Johnny that he would drive himself home instead of their shared place. While he silently dragged the staggering girl, Daeun went unconscious right after they arrived at his car's door—shout out to his quick reflexes, he was able to catch her by the waist.

Daeun was dumb, he thought. She didn't have anything with her excpet for her phone that is already dead by the time he tried to unlock it. He never knew if she came to the bar alone or with companion, or even worse, she was drunk even way from the start since she was super wasted. Out of the sudden, the car hit a road bump making the sleeping beauty's body jumped and vigorously moved causing the seatbelt to push her shirt lower until her cleavage exposed. He noticed it—immediately grabbed a leather jacket from the backseat and properly covering her body before it went worse.

"I can't believe she was the shy and introvert Shin Daeun from the cafe," He massaged his temple, giggling over the fact that weird girl was way more weirder now.

Arriving at his apartment, Jaehyun slowly picking up the light Daeun in bridal style all way to the fourth floor. Since it was past 2 in the morning, no one was watching and obviously, most people living here are just a bunch of wealthy and high-class people—pretty understandable, he is a celebrity.

It was taking him only 30 minutes to wash up, making hangover ramen and decided to switch on the television, eyes red from holding back his mild headache caused by the heavy smoke at the bar earlier. Taking a glance to her phone, he face palmed himself as he realized he left his charger at the band's shared place.

"Ah, screw me. What if she came with someone? Her boyfriend could be such a worse case." Assuming things in his brain, he turned around to witness the peacefully sleeping Daeun, covered in a thick blanket and fully removed make up. Thanks to dear God, he was able to remove her not so thick make up without disturbing her peace.

"She's beautiful,"

"Wait, is she really into poetry?"

"Come on, Jae. It's not important—don't judge a book by its cover."

The leftover hangover ramen, the loud television and the dim yellowish light were the ones to witness Jaehyun slowly dozing off to his dreamland—arm used to keep his head steady on the couch, face was inch away from hers, fluffy grey socks to keep him warm in a cold night. What a night, what a scene after dark.


"Fuck, that was a long headache,"

"Wait, Ashley are you there?"

The girl sat up, stretching her stiff body from what she recalled, she fainted at the bar. The rest of the story was unknown and unfamiliar to her, still not aware of what the actuall hell was happening. Daeun was fully awake once she realized she was still in her exposed shirt, quickly pulling it up to prevent any embarassing shit to come. The fact that the scent of the living room was far from Ashley's interest hurts her head harder—the leather jacket? A box of strawberry milk that Ashley will never keep in her house? A fluffy grey socks that were two times bigger than Ashley's size? It all makes sense now.

"Oh my God, what have I done?"

Just like in any movies, she checked all of her body's condition. No love bites, no unzipped pants, no shattered undergarments—think, Daeun, think!

"Good morning? I suppose?"

"Oh, good—WHAT THE FUCK?"

"Chill, Daeun. I'm not doing bad things on you but you were damn wasted last night," And she wondered why Jaehyun was so calm in this wave of confusion and a tornado of question marks in her mind.

"Listen up, why did you bring me home? Where is Ashley? Were you getting caught in any cameras of the paparazzi, because I don't want to stand the—"

"Inhale, exhale. Please, have a sip of the strawberry milk."

The confused one rubbed her eyes open, immediately emptying the milk and sat back, arms folded above her chest. Eyeing Jaehyun's apartment's interior design, there was an electric guitar displayed by the big window—it was pretty huge and looked untouched to her. His eyes followed hers, admiring her bare face again in the morning, it was around 9 where he chuckled lightly. Still couldn't believe what he brought home.

"First of all,"

Daeun turned around to face the one beside her as he put his hands behind his head, laid his body on the couch, unbothered.

"You were drunk and I don't know who Ashley is, I suppose you came with her last night. I brought you home because I met you in the men washroom and you were fucking wasted—also, you fainted right when we reached my car. No worries, no one saw us, not even my members."

The one who previously had her hair braided now left profanity words under her breath, knowing she screwed. Leaving all of her stuff behind and getting drunk, and end up being in someone's apartment who is super duper known in the country and looking like a party girl? Shin Daeun's biggest nightmare. Jaehyun who was staring deeply into her side profile made her rolled her eyeballs in disgust.

"Stop staring,"

"Also, your phone was dead and I left my charger at our shared house. So, do you want me to send you home?"

"How can you convince me that I'm safe under your—" With a quick reflex, Jaehyun put his finger in front of her face, giving her a sign to shut her mouth as well as her racing brain.

"If I'm not taking a good care of you, you would definitely woke up with hickeys or worse, naked in my bed."



In just a minute, he came back from excusing himself to the room with a set of sweater and sweatpants in his arms. Shin Daeun will forever be Shin Daeun, standing still eyeing the tall figure without moving an inch, though she got what he meant by having the items with him. Finally handing them over to her, he smiled the sweetest smile that morning—which had her annoyed—and walked closer to her, almost closing the gap between his lips and her ear.

"Go and take a shower, or perhaps, you want me to take care of you in the bathroom—"

"Fuck, okay, I'll go and DO NOT FOLLOW ME INTO THE BATHROOM,"

Her act put a smile on his face, yet again.


Serenade, Jung Jaehyun [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now