Chapter 18 - Unsettled feelings

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Roberts was toying with his pen on his fingers while listening to the exact same alibi of the woman named Kristina from the woman named Lauren, they were in a relationship. They were seeming suspects of his current murder case where one of the victims was a child. Unlike the latter who's bearing the entire investigation wholesomely and is giving him a nonchalance behavior, this Kristina seems fidgeting and kind of jumpy, "Perhaps what they're trying to do is to control you."

"Control?" Kristina shook her head, "No, no... no control involved here. My partner and I, we're both responsible adults and we respect each other's opinions either way."

Roberts continued to pry, "Kristina, there were three victims." He sat properly when he saw a waiver from the woman's eyes. She seemed to know about it, "If you help us, we could catch these bastards and make them pay for what they did."

Kristina smiled and looked straight into his eyes, "I don't care, I have no idea what you're saying. Our lawyer brought you the license of the gun I was carrying. Can you think this through?"

Roberts sighed disappointedly. With none so much of a choice, he nodded.


When Roberts was coming back to his small corner office, his superior wave to him to which he complied by making a beeline across the desks of his coworkers, he then met his wide-eyed gaze, "Follow me to my office." And Roberts did.

Reaching the office, his superior West, transferred behind his desk while he opted to stand. West didn't like him, since he was transferred to the division. He wasn't affected by it though; West was just a pet to his own superiors. Some of them don't even belong to the federal government, "What is it West?"

West looked up, holding the folder with the latest report he submitted for his current case, "Have you gone nuts?"

"You mean, involving one of your bosses?"

Roberts never knew eyes as large as the asshole's infront of him before but it looked like it's about to pop out, "It's not about that."

"Honestly, West... who among the girls are connected to those bastards this time?"

West scoffed and chuckled, "You have no idea. You don't mess in their realm, Roberts. They have their own state and laws, if they want to burn down this building and kill us all, they'll do it without leaving any tracks or witnesses but you know what's worse?" Roberts shook his head and West continued with a smug, "...they won't 'cause it's a waste of time."

Roberts folded his arms, "They live in our land, it's not theirs. They need to abide by the constitution."

"Ohh they're vital to the economy and Roberts, I'm warning you. We don't step on their way. Don't go deeper into this because there is no going back."

Roberts smirked and killed the distance between their faces, "I don't give a damn about your balls hiding behind your pants as it is. I choose no one of sweet justice."


"What do you want me to do?" He interrupted West's furious etched form.

West took a deep breath, "Let them go." He said with traces of fury behind his voice and Roberts was leaving.


Lauren strayed her eyes to Kristina who was sitting beside her in the passenger seat holding a begrudging expression. It took her heavy efforts to get along with this woman but Lauren seemed to make it worse. She dared not to talk until they reached the Southern Mob's district. Randy met them immediately, embracing his mother like there wasn't a tomorrow. Lauren's eyebrow rose on that scene of affection. Isn't that a bit too much?

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