Chapter 17 - Caught in Action

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"I can't do this." Kristina whispered in herself looking at a black silhouette target a distance from where she is shooting. Thinking back the events happening in their lives, yesterday had the most horrifying experience she ever encountered. These people are murderers, Randy... came from a family of murderers. Just by reminiscing those dead bodies gives her uncomfortable chills and churns her gut to a 180-degrees motion. She gritted her teeth as her emotions scorched to anger and fired several bullets to the target.

She was breathing heavily as she tried to apprehend her coming tears. This life is doomed. She needed to learn to shoot to protect Randy, to whom? Will the day come when she'll walk the surface of this world with a bloodstained hand? No one asked for this, even Randy, "How are you doing?"

Kristina swallowed as the tall form stood beside her. She felt Lauren's stare boring into her face, "What do you think?"

Lauren transferred her attention to the target, "You hit them good." She took a deep breath while she continued her assessment, "But... something is not quite right in there. Surely, something is bothering you."

Kristina could not even tell whether the woman was making fun of her or not. She had this blank expression and she handles her emotions so perfectly no one can predict what she might be thinking at this moment, "There are good days."

"I haven't seen one for you lately since we met."

Kristina chugged the water bottle stashed from the table where she replaced the gun, "It must be hard for me dealing with all of you. Thank you so much."

She paused when Lauren picked the gun and reloaded another round of bullets, "These are 9mm cartridge. Very mild recoil and could handle the lightest gun like this Glock 19 I recommended you. The best there is for beginners since you don't need to waste so much time to deal with stashing another magazine."

"I remembered every detail of what you taught me since day one. If you're recalling, I just want you to know they are still vivid."

Lauren nodded, "It's been half an hour since you started shooting and this is your fourth set of rounds. Among those bullets you wasted, nothing hit bullseye."

Kristina rolled her eyes, "I thought you said I was doing good."

"You do and it's also true that the middle is clean." They both turned to the target. Kristina must admit she's not really paying attention to the target but to the emotions that's always resurfacing every time she's visited by those horrible images.

Kristina scoffed instead, "It's best hitting them on the body."

"Not really practical, are you?" Lauren offered her the gun again.

"I think, I'm done."

"You said you can remember my lessons vividly yet you can't hit the target the way I want you to." They likely spent a minute staring at each other, "Take it."

Kristina took a deep breath before taking the gun and fired three consecutive shots. If she felt amazed when Lauren did not flinch even a little given the distance of the gun towards her face, Kris kept it to herself. She knows how monstrous this woman is and she should not be affected, "There. Are you happy now?"

"You don't need to tell me that, yet again you made good shots in the body and not the target that I want you to hit." Lauren pointed the target with her finger, "If you are unlucky, that man would still be alive and you've just given him the chance to turn the tables on you."

"Well, I do not have the intention to kill anyone."

Lauren's lips crooked, "So you wanted to be killed instead?"

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