Chapter 10

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The huge wharf was busy as hell as the sun was burning her skin to a shade of red. It was the mid of the day but the sky was in its bluest state that any signs of rain would only be a miracle. Its not impossible though. The bustling of land and sea activity opposes the peace that the heavens offer them. Lauren stashed away her sunglasses looking up the Cargo Vessel as products are being unloaded. The wailing of the crane unloading hundreds of containers makes her teeth grit and not for her namesake, she might have already run off the place first thing they step on the surprisingly furnished yard. She turned at Randy when he emerged from the small metal stairs but immediately transferred her attention to the woman who stepped on the platform behind him. Kirsten... Lauren meant Kristina, who was wearing a casual suit and a tight pants that is apparently showing a good piece of her ass. Lauren, contain yourself. She thought and focused at the smug on the new head boss' face.

She smiled to lessen the tension that the kid is obviously holding and gestured him at her side. She should advice him about the problem of looking fragile. He looks too precious for a target and undoubtedly an easy job. He complied willingly but the fidgeting remained, "Red seems to suit you, lord Cheng." She paid a compliment instead.

Randy looked down before chuckling, "I am going to get use to this."

"You are. You will." Mentoring is not her specialty but if she wants the balance of the four syndicate tribes, one must humble herself for the needy. Its not just her of course, after how many months Randy will also be meeting lord Malkovich and on the long run, lord Makoto. The keyword is Patience. And by then, Kristina will be long gone leaving her conscience at peace again.

"So, what are all these?" Randy asked referring to the docked ship.

She propped a hand on her hip, "Our connections."


"Our business that's scheduled for restocking other businesses. Our drop shipping company, to be specific." Lauren introduced, which was supposedly scripted, she simplified some words since he's still a kid.


Lauren smiled, pointing him, herself and vice versa, "Northern Cabal and Southern Mobsters are top competitors among the four syndicate tribes. But we sometimes agree on some terms like this." She grinned, "60-30... mine's 60%, hey... but don't underestimate the 30%. Last time I checked, I'm making 6 figures. Do the math." She winked and sighed proudly reminiscing the difference of her bank statements from last last year.

Randy raise a brow, "Wait, where's the ten?"

"The Eastern Gang is also in the stake. You'll know more when you meet their leader."

Randy looked stunned but Kristina was instantly at their side doing the prosecution, "There are more like the two of you?"

Lauren nodded, "Just the four of us actually. We are spread all over the world."

Kristina shook her head, "Talking about revelation."

"Not that its really that surprising." Lauren added.

"I meant the world's ending. A total damnation." Kristina added shaking her head again.

Lauren mocked a laugh, "I didn't know you are religious."

"Try me."

"Kris..." Randy interrupted that took his mother's attention. The sincerity in their eyes toward each other made Lauren think of her own mother. But there's more...

She looked away when Tough's image invaded her thoughts. She easily set it aside and tried to distinguish a truce, "Oh look, here comes the luxury cars."

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