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LEMUEL AND INARA moaned in ecstasy as they climaxed in each other's arms in their bedroom. As they caught their breaths, Lemuel rolled off her and they both chuckled as their toddler, Caleb started crying from the bed's built-in crib.

"Aww, he's so jealous," Lemuel commented jokingly as he gently combed his fingers through her ruffled hair. Her eyes were heavy-lidded from the aftermath of their lovemaking but she was smiling.

"Jealous indeed." She drawled and they both lifted themselves to look down at Caleb. He stopped crying and stuck his thumb inside his mouth. Then he went back to sleep as he sucked on it.

"We have to do something about that thumb." Said, Lemuel.

"You are not putting anything bitter on my son's thumb."

"You mean my son?"

"Our son." She said and he gently tweaked her cheek.

"That was on a lighter note but why not? Your mum did it to you, remember?"

"Well, he needs some time. My mom did it to me because I was about five and was still sucking my thumb."

"I can just imagine you, so cute and chubby with your thumb in your mouth." He said dreamily and she giggled.

"Stop it."

"Hmm. But we are not waiting that long."

"You're always so impatient."

"Am I?"


"You never said that to me before."

"Well, I'm saying it now."

"I guess it's a flaw I would have to learn to work on, baby girl."

"It's not that bad, sir." She said and placed a kiss on his mouth.

"Thank you." He mumbled against her lips and they began to kiss. At the same time, her phone started buzzing from the bedside table. They kept kissing, ignoring it but when the call ended and the phone began to ring again, they had to break it off.

Lemuel stretched forth his hand and retrieved it for her. Zee's name was flashing across the screen.

"It's your precious Zee." He said as he handed the phone over to her. "It's 10:00 pm, but I won't complain."

"Thanks," Inara responded as she received the call.

"You're welcome." He replied and carried Caleb who had started bawling again.

"Hi Zee," Inara said and moved away from the bed as Lemuel focused on calming their son. The last time she had spoken with Zee was three days ago and Zee was back to herself. Despite the threat of the consequence of not performing the last dare, she was still reluctant to perform her dare.


Inara walked over to the dressing table and sat down. "It's 10:00 pm, Zee. I am a nursing mother."

"I know and I'm sorry but you're the only friend I've got. You're the only one I can talk to. We used to call each other at any time until Lemuel."

Inara looked towards the bed where Lemuel had managed to calm Caleb down. The child had gone back to sleep with his thumb in his mouth. Lemuel gently removed it but he started bawling, so Lemuel stuck his thumb back in his mouth. Caleb immediately went back to sleep.

"You're the boss for now." She heard Lemuel say to the child, before kissing him on his forehead. God, she loved her husband. He was a great father.

"Inny?" she heard Zee say, her voice, cutting through her thoughts.

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