chapter 1 | oxytocin

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"She tripped on the urge to be alive and free. Caught up happily in the tide till it swallowed her whole and she sank to the bottom. And when they found her body, washed up on the sandy shore, what was left, seen only in the glistening moonlight, were the remnants of a girl who wanted to be ruined a little more than she wanted to be loved."

My face twists into a grin as I watch the ring I threw hook itself onto the standing peg, landing on top of all the other rings I'd tossed.
I turn to look back at my friend Charlotte's little sister, Kerinne who pounds her small fists into the air. She squeals, "Yes!"

"I told you I could do it." I say, smugly.

As she moves her head in excitement, her ebony hair falls to her back.

Mari walks towards us, holding multicoloured cotton candy resembling the softly spun, sunset painted clouds in the sky above us.

She laughs, "Well it only took you several tries."

"Oh shush," I say before turning to the vendor of the game.

Naturally, a forced smile paints her face, "What would you like?" Her voice is sharp like the chirp of a bird.

I glance at the group of stuffed animals hanging on hooks. The first one that catches my gaze is a long green snake with glossy yellow eyes.

But instead, I turned back to Keri, "Which do you want?"

She pauses, placing a small finger on her pouty lips, "The bear."

The worker takes a fat pink bear with hearts on its body and hands it to her. She takes it in one arm, hugging it tightly to her body.

We walk to a table where Char is, and sit down with her. Keri sets down her Teddy beside her and begins to eat the cotton candy, sloppily.

Char looks to us, twirling her locks, which are an identical colour to Keri's, between her fingers, "I was at Carmen's the other day and this boy moved in beside her. He was taking all of his boxes upstairs and god, he's so hot." She says.

Carmen Sánchez. She used to be in our close friend group in our first year of high school but drifted away as time went on.

I smile, "What does he look like?"

"He has brown hair and is pretty tall. Also he has the most gorgeous face!" She presses her lips together, "But none of us have even spoken yet."

"Oh." I say. She didn't give us the clearest picture, but he must be really attractive if she said so. We pretty much have the same taste in men. Except that most of my boy crushes are fictional.

I take a bite of the fluffy candy, letting it melt on my tongue in complete bliss. Mari and Char continue to speak about various things. Prom, fashion, books, et cetera. All things I would normally be interested in. If only the anticipation of the next day wouldn't keep gnawing at my mind. I wonder if the boy is going to our school?

"Also," Char says, "I'm having a party on Friday. I'm inviting most of the grade. Can you guys come?"

I nod and Mari scrunches her curls with her hand, making them more voluminous. She answers, "I think so."

too young for thisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora