chapter 20 | catch your breath

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I deal out the cards to the four of us, Jamie, Alexi, Creed and I. Creed looks up at me, one eyebrow raised, "How d'I know your not trickin' me Shamilla?"

"You don't," I say with a shrug, "and my name is 'Cam-ill-a.'"

Creed has made twisted nicknames for all of us. There's Sexi for Alexi, Jamie is Sad Bitch, and me, Shamilla.

Creed laughs, "Oh, like 'cum'? Like the shit you like t'read?" he asks teasingly.

I lock my jaw, my cheeks heating.

Jamie's face contorts into a laugh that resembles a pig's snort.

I slap him in the back of the head then turn to Creed, "How the fuck do you know about books?" I question.

"Sexi over here told me 'bout it," his face twists into a grin.

I turn to Alexi, shaking my head expectantly, "Huh?"

His lips are pressed together as though trying to cover a smile, wide blue eyes on mine.

I sigh, "Yeah, I do read smut. But so does he," I jab a finger at Jamie.

He smirks, raising up his hands, "I'm not denying it."

My mind wanders to the idea of how good he'd be...I feel myself press my legs together. He seems to notice, raising his eyebrows at me.

My face gets hot and I turn to continue to our card game. "Are we gonna play?"

Jamie nods, turning away from me. I watch as he bites his lip with a smile, still eyeing his cards.

I throw my head back, smothering a cold hand over my cheeks to cool them down.

We play and occasionally get weird stares from the other people going in and out of the motel when they hear our muttered, "shitfucks."

"I won!" Alexi says, throwing his cards onto the table, "You're all stupid losers!"

"Ouch," I say, bringing a hand to my chest.

He sticks his tongue out, looking years younger with the motion. I mirror him.

"Since I won, I get to say what we do next. Let's go for a swim." Alexi states, beginning to gather up the cards.

Creed stands, "Lemme go ask my dad t'cover m'shift. I wan' come with y'all."

I smile, helping to fold the chairs and gather my things.


It's dark in the room, the chilly air pooling in from outside with a soft whistle in my ear.

Hiding from Alexi in the shallow light of the streets, I'm ready to jump out and scare him.

My legs are getting really sore from squatting so I let myself kneel instead, rubbing my muscles with a wince.

Jamie passes through the door, startling when he sees me.

I pull him by his shirt to sit beside me.

"Wha—?" he asks.

"Shhh, he's gonna hear you." I hiss, peeking through the crack in the door. "I'm scaring Alexi since he bets I can't."

I turn back to face Jamie, almost bumping noses with him.

I freeze, feeling his breath on my neck, tickling me so that I squirm.

His lips pull into a smile, as he says in a faint whisper, "You're really pretty."

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