chapter 23 | americans on vacation

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Jamie presses gentle kisses to my neck as I pull the thin covers over both our heads with a laugh.

"I know you guys are in love or whatever, but we're going to the beach now so finish kissing soon please." Charlotte says, and I listen stiffly as the door closes.

In love... Char had said.

I wait for Jamie's lips to still but they continue working on my skin.

His mouth finds the sensitive part of my neck, causing my head to fall back. "Oh..." I moan. He starts to suck the skin.

He climbs on top of me continuing his assault with a hum. I writhe, pulling at his shirt.

He pulls back, inspecting the mark he's made on my skin with a proud grin.

"God Camilla," is all he says, looking at me with a strong lustful gaze.

I laugh, "What?" I try to look at my throat but my eyes can't reach there.

He simply shakes his head, I feel his finger trace up my neck and land on the tip of my nose.

"I love this little dent in your nose," he leans down as he says this, planting a kiss on it.

He drew it a lot as I'd seen in his sketchbooks. Drew me a lot.

A giggle climbs from my throat, making him look at me with a completely different look.

There's a knock, then, at the door. He rolls his eyes.

"Yes?" I ask, annoyed.

Creed's voice pipes up, all of a sudden high-pitched, "There's, uh...some scary men are askin' fo' y'all."

Jamie's face looses it's colour and my mouth falls open.

"Cops?" he asks me with a scared whisper.

"Camilla?" Creed says, his pronunciation now exact.

"Uh..." I squeak. "We'll be out there in a second."

Jamie leans in, pressing his lips to my cheek, pulling away just as quickly. He gets off of me, taking the covers off of us.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him, and he just shakes his head, eyes on mine.

"Kids, we're coming in, we just need to talk to you a little," a deep voice says.

I sit up, suddenly, rubbing my neck.

They enter, two tall, muscular men. They're not wearing uniform, though. They look like two normal Americans on vacation.

Two very scary normal Americans, that is.

The bigger one points to the chair whilst looking at Jamie, "Over here son."

"Who are you guys? Why are you here?" I muster, my voice weak.

The man walks towards me, "What were you guys doing before we came here?"

I resist the urge to touch my neck again, but I know he's already looking straight at it.

"Why?" Jamie says, his voice much steadier than mine.

His man looks at him surprised, "Answer the question."

Jamie stays quiet and so I speak quietly, "Talking, sir."

The man raises his brows, making me narrow my eyes.

"Who," my voice cracks, "are you?"

"Detectives," the tall one answers.

"Now, who killed Kyle Miller?" the cop asks calmly, eyes digging into mine.

I glance towards Jamie who sits a meter away from me. His body's stiff as he looks grimly at me.
I beg for anything on his face but it appears frozen, like a painfully beautiful stone statue.

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