chapter 6 | party

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I search frantically for an outfit to wear to Char's party.
I pull out a tight black miniskirt, and a sheer beige button-up top. I slip them on, leaving the shirt unbuttoned all the way, except for one where my chest is.

When I walk into Mari's room, she's changed into a short red dress and white cowgirl boots. She's in the process of searching for her matching white hat.

"I can't find it! Ugh!" She grumbles, digging in her closet.

"I'm not sure where it is." I say, mindlessly combing my hair with my fingers in her heart shaped mirror. I study myself, wide eyed with eagerness. My loose curls reach to my hips in layers.

"Found it!" Mari exclaims, standing behind me in the mirror. She places the hat on her head, dramatically.

"Nice hat," I say, "You ready?"


We walked to Char's house, the largest one on the street. As we step in, loud music and chat overcomes my senses. I purse my lips, taking Mari's hand.
I lead the way to Charlotte, she's on the couch with a bunch of smelly boys around her. On her head is a silver plastic crown with pink and purple jewels on it.

"Hi Char!" I say, "Hi everyone." The boys stink of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Hi! There's drinks over there and everything."

I feel a hand pull me away by my wrist. I turn to see one of our boy friends, giving me a drunken grin.

"Hey Milla," he says, in a mocking way.

"Hey Kyle," I say back, narrowing my eyes.

I can tell he's drunk, standing over me unsteadily. He wears a simple navy blue polo shirt with a pair of jeans.

He hands me a drink and I take it in my hands, "Thanks," I say, studying him.

I put the cup down, beside me, as he moved towards me in a fall. I put my hands out in front of me and steady him.

He starts to say something, mumbling. I can't make out his words, though. Someone turned up the music so that it was the only thing I could hear along with others' loud laughter.

"I can't hear you, Kyle." I can't even hear myself think right now. I point to the ceiling, "Let's go upstairs."

He nods, following me clumsily to the rooms on the higher level. I open the first door I see, there's two people making out on an expensive bed. I close the door shut again and shake my head. I'm feeling dizzy.

I pushed through to the next door, and luckily, it wasn't occupied by anyone. I slump onto the bed. The room's air is stiff and feels fresh. I sigh deeply, taking in the nice cool feeling.
Kyle closes the door after him, sitting down beside me, inhaling the air as well.

"Ugh, finally, a break." I say, stretching my feet in front of me, "What'd you want to say downstairs?"

"You look really pretty," he says, touching a hand to my bare leg.

I recoil under his touch and I stand up, "I need to see what Mari's doing. She told me to stick with her."

He grabs my hand, pulling me hard towards him. "I want you." He takes hold of my waist, sitting me back down onto the bed. "Want you."
I squirm, as he plants a disgusting kiss on my neck.

I say, "Stop."

He grabs my face, pressing his hand against my mouth, when I try to speak.

"Stop!" I shout into his mouth, he lets out a laugh. My eyes go wide open, I try to push him away with my hands.

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