chapter 16 | diners and wraps

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Jamie and I pass the boy who checked us in. He looks up curiously at us and I wave sheepishly.

He gives a toothy grin, "Hope y'all had fun."

"We sure did," Jamie laughs.

I turn to him with the tilt of my head and take his hand in mine, "Oh yes, we did."
Until we didn't, I think. He looks at me, his smirk crumbling to a nervous smile.

I grin, turning back to the boy, who looks at me with wide eyes.

"Woah," he uttered as we continue to walk forward.

I laugh, shrugging the comment off. Giddy, I'm able to ignore how cold I am as we open our door. Mari sits up slightly in her seat, covering her lips with a finger.

She points at Valentina who lies on the bed, snoozing away. Alexi lays at the edge of the other bed, with my headphones over his ears, looking up at the ceiling blankly.

Jamie closes the door behind him, walking to find dry clothes from his suitcase. I do the same and Mari nudges us into the washroom, lit by only two warmly colored lamps. I look at Jamie, his new shirt and shorts in hand.

She closes the door and whispers, "I'm gonna take the chair and Alexi can sleep with Val so that you two can sleep together."

I widen my eyes, to which she raises a brow. Jamie nods, "I'm okay with that. Camilla?"

I nod, with a small smile, "Me too."

Marianne inclines her head to me, winking, "Now I'll leave you two to change." She slips out of the room, closing the door after her before one of us can protest.

I spin around to face Jamie who says, "I'm pretty sure they think we're together." though he says this with a slight smirk.

"I suppose so," I say, unable to fight off the small smile that plays at my lips. His skin is flushed, eyes glowing eagerly.

"Well," he says, peeling off his sticky t-shirt, making my breath hitch once more. "are you going to stay in that wet dress now?"

I marvel silently at his figure, again my eyes traveling up him. I swallow, louder than I would've liked, I shake my head, "I am," I press my lips together awkwardly, clumsily slipping off my dress.

Again, he looks at me, sneaking guilty glances, "You're..." he mumbles, halting short.

I give him a crooked smile, "I'm what, Jamie?"

His eyes scan up my body achingly, "Nothing."

I turn my back to him, unclipping my bra and letting it fall away. I cover my boobs by crossing my arms over my chest and twist to look at him once more.

"Nothing?" I say softly.

He looks at me with wide eyes, making me smirk. His mouth parts and he bites his bottom lip.

I take my oversized t-shirt in one hand, observing him as I carefully slip it on. He watches me closely with a stern gaze.

My shirt covers most of my butt so I bend and remove my soggy underwear, replacing it with a dry pair.

He leans against the wall in a daze, "You're making me crazy, Cam."

I raise my hands defensively, brushing off my raised pulse, "Well, don't stop undressing on my part."

"I'm not," he says, tilting his head at me. I watch intently as he slips off his pants with a slight struggle.
I giggle, muffling my mouth with my palm.

"What?" he demands, looking down at me with a smile.

I shake my head, "Sorry, it's just, you really looked like you were struggling."

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