chapter 8 | sting

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Blinking slowly, I open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I rub both heels of my hands on my eyes and let out a wince. My hand throbs warmly, wrapped up in old bloodied cloth. I squint, then look up from beneath my lashes, biting my lips against the pain. Mari watches me from the front seat, her forehead creased.

I look away, hating every bit of the fact that she pities me. It makes me feel small, as though I'm a foolish girl who's tripped on her own shoelaces and scraped her knee.

Sunlight spills through the car window, onto my skin, making everything around me sparkle with a joyful shine. We're driving on a long dusty road, surrounded by sun-bleached golden grass and plants. It looks so blindly cheerful.

"Where are we?" I mumble, my throat scratching. I'm suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of absolute thirst.

She laughs harshly. "I'm not really sure."

"Oh," I tilt my head.

"At this point, we're just hoping it's the right direction." She jokes.

Jamie shakes his head, eyes staying on the road, "I think we're going the right way."

Mari straightens, "Oh, we bought rubbing alcohol for your hand."

I widen my eyes, dreading having to feel the pain.

"We were waiting for you to wake up," she says, chewing on her plump bottom lip. "Do you want to do that now?"

I hesitate before saying, "Sure." I just have to get it over with.

Jamie pulls over on the side of the road. They open their doors, getting out to stretch their stiff limbs. I follow suit, twisting my back to feel a satisfying pop or two. I shiver, though my skin is searing. Hurriedly, I remove my sweater, throwing it onto the blanket.

I glance at my warped reflection in the dim car windows. I can tell I'm a mess just by the distorted image of my tangled hair and dishevelled clothing. My eyes must be puffy though I can't see for sure.

I turn back to them, letting out a ragged sigh, "Okay,"

"You just have to stay still while I clean the wounds up." Mari says, softly.

I nod, sitting back down in the backseat. I reach my hand out in front of me. Jamie leans back into the car, taking the bottle of clear liquid. I swallow.

Mari, begins to unwrap the bandages, which stick to my skin in a gruesome disaster.

Her expression dulls as she says to me, "I think I have to peel it off." I let out a whimper and divert my eyes. I keep my them on Jamie's, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.
I feel the sharp jab of a hot knife run through my skin as Mari tugs at the fabric, which stays painfully in the same state as before; glued to my skin.
I let out a shallow noise, flinching significantly. He grimaces, as if he is in pain, and not me.

She pours some alcohol onto my palm, I grab the seat of the car crying out, "Owie!"

Jamie lets out a snort, covering his face immediately afterwards. I can't get the focus to retort in anyway so instead, I stick up a shaky middle finger, shutting my eyes tightly.

Mari makes an unintelligible noise as well but says, "Shut up, Jamie."

I dig my nails deeper into the car seat, as she removes the fabrics entirely.

"Now this is really going to hurt." She whispers. She drenches my hand in the cold liquid.

I let out a fast scream, seizing my hand away. The pain shot through my veins, like a thousand needles stinging my skin. I swear I could see a flash of light behind my eyes when it first hit.

I swallow, cradling my hand in my other, close to my chest. I can feel the alcohol mixed with blood dribbling down my chest and into my cleavage.
My hand throbs and my head spins. All I can smell is the strong liquid, punching into my senses.

I hear Mari's voice but it sounds distant, "I'm sorry Cami. But we need to do this."

I feel a cold hand gently lift my face and when I open my teary eyes, I see Jamie looking down at me.

"Don't touch me." I snap, before thinking the phrase through. In my dizzy thoughts, part of me thinks, let him touch me, I'm so hungry for it.

He retreats, eyes going wide. I stare back at him, pursing my lips, unable to speak anymore. I give Mari back my hand.

As she dabs the wound with a cloth, I just bite my lip hard between my teeth, until I taste the metallic tang of blood. I refuse to make another sound.

Marianne continues to wrap my hand in the proper bandages and soon enough, I watch as she ties it off as best she can.

"Done." She says, studying her work.

I sigh, "Thank you, Mari."

She uses the tips of her fingers to brush my stray baby hairs off of my forehead. She gives me a small kiss there. "Love you." She says as she pulls back.

"Love you too." I gulp.

Jamie looks at me softly and I give him a forced smile, standing. I slip into the passenger seat, ignoring Mari's protest.

"You can sleep in the back." I state, closing the door shut.

She smiles, slumping into the back. Jamie climbs into the driver's seat, turning the keys in the ignition.

I watch him, his eyes on the road as he drives. He glances at me and smiles weakly. I do the same, showing my teeth. In the back, Mari has her head rested on the pile of blankets, now rolled into a makeshift pillow. Her eyes dance between us contentedly.

I look back at the desert landscape rolled out in front of us. On it are dry shrubs, scattered here and there. A lone brown bird flies ahead of us. I roll down the window, eager to cool down. The cool breeze hits my skin joyously.
I lean my head back, against the headrest, relishing the simple touch of the breeze.

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