Chapter 5: Lions and Toads and Basilisk-Oh My!

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No one paid particular attention to two witches entering a girl's toilet, even though most of the witches in Hogwarts avoided this particular female student's convenience - unless they were absolutely in desperate need. Since one of the witches entering this toilet was loony Lovegood - enough said.

Hermione and Luna lucked out again since Myrtle must have been away bothering someone else at the moment. They approached the correct sink and Hermione then hissed at it. Even though they had studied Harry's memory of the entire event, both were still rather surprised to actually see the sinks disappearing and a shaft opening up in the floor.

Luna looked down into the darkness before emitting a sigh. "It's a pity we don't have a professor to throw down there first. I can think of a few I'd like to chuck down a dark hole."

"Harry suggests using the Minister of Magic, and then closing the sinks over. It's really hard to argue against that, especially since I would get to close the shaft on the prat. Ah well, no point in standing here hoping. We should have known it would be bad when Harry described it as filthy, boys have a different definition of that word from us." Hermione pulled the hood of her robes over her head, trying to protect her hair from the worst of the mess, before jumping in.

Luna heard the long wail Hermione made on her trip down before the silence that Luna hoped meant she'd safely reached the bottom. Her friend's voice then clearly traveled back up the shaft. "You must be a bad influence on me, Potter. I might have enjoyed that slide, if it had been cleaner. Luna, come on down." Both Hermione and Harry were silently chuckling at the muggle telly reference Luna wouldn't have a clue about.

Following Hermione's example, Luna tucked her hair in her hood and jumped into the hole. Landing amongst bones of long dead small animals was certainly not Luna's idea of enjoyment.

Hermione had her wand lit and decided to check their extraction method worked before they went any further into the tunnel.

Dobby arrived with a pop, mere seconds after Hermione called his name. "Well done, Dobby. We weren't sure you would be able to find us down here, that certainly takes a load off our minds."

"Would Miss Grangy like Dobby to come with them? Dobby doesn't like leaving Harry Potter's friends down here on their own."

Luna chipped in right away. "That's a brilliant idea, Dobby. I will certainly feel safer with you around. How's Winky doing this morning?"

"Winky is much better, Miss. Just knowing she is wanted again is helping Winky, as is the strong magic of her masters. Winky says she is ready to get to work today, Dobby told Winky better to rest until tomorrow. Dobby wasn't sure if Dobby should have asked Harry Potter's permission first before telling Winky that…"

This time it was Hermione who jumped in. "Harry asked you to look after Winky, that's exactly what you did. Harry is very happy with your actions, Dobby."

The little elf for once wasn't really listening. They'd just come to the shed basilisk skin and Dobby's large eyes were nearly popping out his head. As they approached the cave-in, a snap of Dobby's fingers had an arched pathway cleared for them to walk through.

"…and that is why it's a brilliant idea for you to be with us, Dobby. Hermione and I would have spent ages trying to clear a hole big enough for both of us to crawl through."

Dobby then noticed the state of their robes, another snap of those magic fingers had both girls' robes cleaned.

"Harry, I could get used to having elves around. Dobby, you are simply the best."

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