More Nonsence

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Annala: You are now dubbed sir lady knight Luna. And I am now dubbed sir lady knight Annala.

Natsu: Pht. Hahaha. You guys are a sir and ladies!!!!


Natsu: Aye!!

Zeref: *Evil side takes over and kidnapped Luna* She will be mine, FOREVER!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Rouge and Natsu: MY BABY!!!

Luna: I'M NO BABY!!!

Annala: And I'm pretty sure she isn't yours. She's Zeref's. Just as Laxus is MINE!!!!!

Laxus: Babe, come on. We need to get a job off of the board.

Annala: Sure! Here's one asking for an insane person and a muscular guy to try and distract a lady. Perfect!

Luna: Hey everyone. I'm mated to someone!!

Everyone: Who! When! Where!

Luna: Apparently if two dragon slayers like the same person, they can both have her. But you can't have a third. Just two. So I'm mated with Rouge and Zeref!

Laxus: What happened to Natsu?

Lucy: I got mated to both Sting and Natsu!!!

Mira: SO... MANY.... SHIPS!!!!! *Faints*

Makarav: That's fine. But I expect some grand kids soon.

Juvia: That won't be a problem because Juvia is pregnant!

Grey: WHAT?! WHO IS HE?!

Leon: Of course it's me.

Juvia: No. Juvia only did it with Grey when he was drunk.

Leon: Juvia, don't you remember? That was a three way and we both got a chance soooo

Everyone: *Faints of nose bleeds*

Annala: Wha......? Tsyufjr4h3edyuifrjhfdvyude Wha......?

Levy: Um, Gajeel. Can you help me with something at my place?

Gajeel: Sure. With what?

Levy: *Whispers* Some games and fun.

Annala: *Sings* Have fun you two! *wink, wink. Nudge, nudge*

Laxus: *Wakes up from dream* Why did I have a strange dream like that. And who are Annala and Luna?!

Annala: What do you mean? I'm right here Laxus.

Laxus: heicktbhsoebsuc!!!

Excalibur: FOOL!!

Zeref: MY LUNA!!

Luna: HELPS!

Laxus: That's it. The world has gone to chaos.

Annala: YAY!!!!! :)

Laxus: No, its not yay. Its NUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luna: I'm watching all of this because I'm invisible and they are fighting over a clone!!!

Zeref: HEY!!! This isn't Luna. ITS A CLONE!!!

Luna: bauzsnrzevvs

Annala: We have to get Luna back for Zeref and Rouge. And even though she is my BFF, I know what it's like to love someone so much, you need them by your side, FOREVER!!!! Now, go get her!!!

Dragon slayers: Yes queen of dragon slayers!!!!

Luna: Oh no! *Runs*

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