Mira's Ships?

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Luna: MIRA WOULD SHIP THE TWINS (From Oran high school host club) TOGETHE!!!!!!

Annala: I could see that happening.

Luna: There are some FanFics where that happens. Even some with lemons.

Annala: Oh.....um..... To bad I'm still at the hospital.

Laxus: You. Will. Not. Read. That. Instead read the Laxus x Reader lemons.

Annala: But Lauxy.... There arnt that many.

Laxus: Don't Lauxy me.

Annala: But...

Laxus: If I have to, I'll provide live entertainment when we get home.

Annala: *Nose bleeds*

Nurse: Miss, are you ok?

Annala: Yeah. I'm perfectly fine.

Luna: Lucky, lucky you. HOPE YOU SURVIVE MATING SEASON!!! It should start in 5 minutes!

Annala: WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!!!!!!! I'M STILL AT THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!

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