Mira gone crazy

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Mira: I found out about hacking just now! And thanks Luna! I don't think Annala and Laxus should be together and she should be with Freed!

Luna: *Crying* She knows my list of guys I like! *Faints*

Annala: Me and Freed? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Mira: See? He's cute enough for you!

Luna: No Mira! Bad Mira, bad!

Laxus: *Cries cause he can't be with Annala *

Annala: NOOOOO!!!!! DON'T CRY!!!! Here. *Pulls Laxus into her chest again* Is that better?

Laxus: Yes. *Shoves his face in her chest*

Freed: NO! My two loves with each other!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!! (Mira got to him bad)

Annala: Wait? Two loves together?

Luna: He likes you and Laxus.

Annala: Le gasp! Love triangle! Well, sorta a love triangle.

Luna: Hahaga! I know what we can do! Since Grey doesn't like Juvia, we should set her up with Leon. What do you think Mira?

Mira: *In a corner rocking her self* Ships ships ships ships ships ships ships ships ships ect.

Luna: I thinks she's gone crazy And in a bad way.

Annala: Uh... Dose that mean we should run?

Laxus: Most likely. *Picks up Annala and runs*

Freed: *Glares*

Luna: Here Freed. Take this! *gives him a potion*

Freed: What is it?

Luna: Its a potion that gives a guy a mating season of their own. It lasts a week.

Freed: *Takes it and drinks it* ANNALA!!!!!!

Luna: I'm evil.

Annala: *Running as fast as she can* Y U DO THIS TO ME?!?!?!?!

Laxus: Oh hell~ no! *Grabs Annala and gets all over protective*

Annala: I will find my revenge some how!!!

Luna's poem:

I got guys over me,

Cause I just can't chose.

Now you got a Freed,

I wonder who will lose.

Luna: Also, I'm just plain evil!

Zeref: And that's why I love you!

Annala: Hahaha lol. But no, serious. I might still get revenge. Right now Laxus and Freed are fighting and I'm just watching. To be honest, I'm actually kinda enjoying the whole two guys fighting over me thing.

Luna: l know right!!! Well I would suggest hiding for a week cause I put that potion in Laxus' drink earlier and it should be taking effect right about now!

Annala: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WHY?????? *Hides behind Luna*

Luna: Oh we can't hide together cause Mira stole that potion and gave it to every guy in Fairy Tail including Zeref, Rouge and the dragons so I have to run.

Annala: -_- wow Mira. Wow. Any ways, I guess I'll be running now. *Hides in a bunker and locks the bunker door*

Laxus: Hello~

Annala: O_O HALP!!!! *Runs to the bunker door and tries to unlock it to get out only to get pulled back by Laxus* H-hey. Funny seeing you here. *Nervous laughter*

Luna: Well I don't have much of a problem unless being treated like a flag and everyone's trying to steal me! Also I'm just being taken left and right. Even if I hid, I would be found very quickly.

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