Chapter 4:

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"I don't want you to leave"

The last day had come around and Wilhelm was awake, he headed down to the west wing of the castle known as the guest area, he went into the kitchen realizing Simon wasn't up yet so he went over knocking on the door 

Simon heard a knock as he was packing his things so he wouldn't have to later, he then walked over to the door and opens it seeing Wilhelm 'Hey' he smiles 

Wilhelm smiled back at him 'Hey, What are you doing?' he asks 

'Just packing up everything, getting ready to head home in a couple of hours' 

He nods, he didn't want Simon to go but knew this was strictly just a friendship.. but how were they just 'Friends?' how would that term describe the kissing and the feelings he felt?

Simon looks 'You alright?' he asks as he hadn't responded 

Wilhelm looks 'What are we exactly?' 

'I don't know Wilhelm' he says and looks before going to finish packing 

'Simon then why have you kissed me a total of 3 times?' he asks 'Stop playing with my feelings if your just gonna leave and ghost me again' 

He breathes and turns to him, they were close face to face, Simon stood there and Brough both his hands into the back of Wilhelms hair 'I want you more than anything, I do okay? But you know our parents would never allow this to happen'

Wilhelm kissed him, he made it long and slow, pulling away even slower which left them both looking at each other and stood there for awhile 'I wanna be with you Simon' he says 'We can sneak around we can't tell our parents.. at least not yet..' 

Simon nods 'You're right, I think my parents would kill me.. I'm not sure' he says and smiles up at him 'You really wanna be in a long distance relationship?' he asks 

He nods 'Its worth a try when it's with you.' he says and smiles happily 

'Okay we will try and do this then' Simon smiles and wraps his arms around Wilhelms shoulders 

Wilhelm nods and smiles as he kissed him softly 

He kissed back softly  and smiles 'We should probably get out there we have 2 more photos and 1 more interview'

He looks 'Yeah your right' he says as they left the room and went out they did photos and more interviews.


Later in the day Simon had to leave as everyone was outside to say bye and Simon said his goodbyes and thank you's for letting him stay 

the queen and king along with Wilhelms siblings said goodbye and shake his hand, June and Felice hugged him.

Wilhelm smiles and looks over to him and hugs Simon 'I'll text later' he says 

Simon nods as he hugs back  'It was nice seeing you again' he smiles then backed up after a couple of seconds and walks to the car. 

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