Chapter 21:

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"Goodbye again" 

 !! Warning there will be sexual content in this chapter, I repeat sexual content proceed with caution!!

Wilhelm had Simon in his arms, he had a rough night and had been up most of the night because he didn't wanna say goodbye again but ended up falling asleep half way through the night. He continued holding him just wanting to be there and make sure he was comfortable.

The next morning Simon woke up seeing Wilhelm asleep and lays his head on his chest, holding his hand knowing he had to go soon which was making him upset again.

Wilhelm woke up and slowly plays with Simons hair 'It's gonna be okay..'

'You don't know that Wille.' he says 'Long distance is always so hard, and we never get to see each other it's unfair' 

He nods and kissed his head 'You're absolutely right babes, but we're only 19 and coming out of high school. I'd say let's move in together' he says and thought about it and smiles 'Just wait till New Years I'm gonna talk to my mom about it' he says 

Simon lifts his head and looks at Wilhelm 'What do you mean?' he asks 

'What if you were able to move here until me and you are able to fully move out on our own? I mean there's a whole wing of the castle with a kitchen and living room, bedroom' he says 

He smiled and kissed him 'I don't care whether we live in the castle or on our own, I just wanna be with you' he says and sits on his lap and hugs him 

Wilhelm kissed back then hugs back 'I just want us to be together, this means we have our own space and we're able to just have some privacy' he says 'We all know we need privacy' he giggles 

Simon nods 'exactly, privacy is key' he smiles and unbuttons Wilhelms top 'Just like right now' he says and pulls the shirt off smiling 

He smiles and let him 'Do we even have time for this?' he asks Simon 

'We're making time' he says and kissed him softly 'Is the door locked?' 

Wilhelm smiles 'We deserve it' he says and then nods 'I always lock my door' he says and kissed his neck. it was 5am so no one else was awake.

Simon moans quietly and grinds down onto Wilhelms lap softly  

He moans as he did and took Simons shirt off then flipped them so he was on top 

'Someones eager' he smiles up at him biting his bottom lip softly 

Wilhelm smiles back down 'Well I gotta make sure that we make time for this before you go home' he says and kissed him 'Plus it's morning and no one can hear us' he Said and kissed him as he slowly slides his hand into Simons pants going into his underwear touching him softly 

Simons moans into the kiss and leans up to his ear 'I want you now' he says letting out another small moan purposely In his ear 

He smiles 'Your a tease' he whispers before going and kissing down his body pulling his pants and underwear off and slowly started giving him BJ before continuing on as the room was filled with moans.


They finished a little while later and had just held each other for a while before Wilhelm got called to his moms office to do crowned prince stuff.

Simon got dressed and headed downstairs to go and start saying his good byes since he was leaving very soon.

Wilhelm got downstairs and Simon was just about to leave at this point so he went over and hugs him 'I will see you on New Years alright?' he asks 'And merry Christmas by the way' he says as it was Christmas Day. 

He smiles and hugs back 'Thank you, merry Christmas to you to' he says and they were alone 'Thanks for the present this morning' he joked 

'Haha very funny mi amor' he says and kissed him 'I love you' he says 

Simon kissed back & smiled up at him 'I love you too babes' he says 'Alright I really have to go now' he says 

Wilhelm frowns 'Alright have a safe flight' he says letting go since he still had his arms around him 

He smiled 'I will text me or call me tonight, or in 5 minutes' he giggles and walks to the door 'I love you all thank you byeeee' he says and left

They all said their goodbyes and then went and did their own thing.

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