The Beginning: Encounter

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(Would you look at that...I got this done before Monday. Yeah so this chapter will be including violence, enjoy)


     Jean walked around town looking for something. Something....unusual. Someone has said they saw a black figure roaming around the town. So, Jean was assigned to look for this so called black figure and confront it. Along with her is, Lisa. Yes, her girlfriend. Jean wouldn't have thought that they would see each other again after you know what, but hey she's grateful. "Hey Jean, it's starting to get dark out. Don't you think would she head back to headquarters and just continue this tomorrow?" Lisa was right. The sun slowly went down, turning on the lamp-posts. "No, we need to solve this now or it'll be even more work for us to handle for today's and tomorrow's work."  Lisa stopped as she heard a rustle in a near-by alley. She tapped Jean on her shoulder and pointed to the direction the sound was coming from. They both walked slowly to the alley. When they got there, Jean peeked around the corner to find a cat. A She got closer to the cat and it spoke, "Gotcha." Suddenly, the cat transformed and knocked both of them out. 

     "Ugh... where the hell-?" Jean gasped as she saw Lisa in chains hanging on a wall unconscious. "Lisa!" Jean tried to walk over to her, but failed as she tripped on her own set of chains. "Shit...WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF!" The so called dark figure shown in the tiny lightbulb hanging in the room. "Shush little girl. This is simply your punishment for what you've done to me." There she was....La Signora. "You can either, pay me back by giving me your vision or this little bitch gets her head smashed." She rose Lisa's bloody face up. "YOU DO NOTHING TO HER DAMMIT. I'LL KILL YOU!" Jean once again tried to stand on her feet. "You think you can kill me? PFT- HAHHAHAHA THAT'S THE FUNNIEST SHIT I'VE EVER HEARD. But, let's see if you beat me, I'll let you and her go. If I win, I take your vision and her head is smashed. You'll be all alone without a vision and without your precious town. Kapeesh, sweetheart?" La Signora signaled her minions to unchain her and give her her sword. 

     They stood in the middle of the room, ready for battle. Jean clicked the side of her sword for some reason. Signora didn't know why, but she took the first move. Jean dodged swiping her sword at her. Then she used her sword to send a strong wind current, blowing Signora away. "This is child's play. Are you trying to get your vision taken?" Signora ran up to her and punched her in the stomach. This was nothing like Jean has encountered before. Signora's strength was unbelievable. Jean fell to the floor coughing up blood. "Awwww is someone giving up?" Jean was picked up by her collar. "You people make me sick." Jean kicked Signora in the rib, making her let go. "UGH YOU BIT-." She was interrupted by a loud boom from upstairs. "MINIONS! Chain her back up. I have some business to attend to." The minions obeyed and pulled Jean by the arms. As Signora left, there were rapid footsteps getting closer and closer to them. The door flew open showing Amber, Eula, Kaeya, Traveler, and Venti. "Guys!" Jean shouted from across the room. The minions ran towards the group, swinging their weapons. "Split up!" Eula, Kaeya, Amber, and Venti ran towards the villains. Traveler ran towards Jean, but stopped when Jean said, "Get Lisa and get her out of here, now! She's injured critically. I'll be fine." Traveler nodded and unhooked Lisa from her chains. She picked her up and threw her on her back. Traveler, Venti, and Kaeya ran out taking Lisa. Amber and Eula stayed behind to unhook and fight with Jean. "Signora is here and we have to be careful. She's stronger than she looks." Jean peeked around the corner, followed by them. "There she is." They slowly walked behind Signora, drawing their weapons quietly. Signora started to hum a tune. A very familiar tune to Jean. When she realized the song, she dropped to her knees. The song was what her mother used to sing to her when she was a child, before she disappeared one day and never came back. "How do you know that song? HOW?" Jean started to get teary-eyed. "Oh, you know that song? Your mom used to sing it all the time when we hung out. Then oops I killed her. Heh...your mom was a bitch. Killing my people left and right, killing her was the right thing to do for my people." Signora turned around smiling. Jean was stunned. She couldn't stand, all she could do was cry. "Jean we need to get out of here, now." Eula and Amber already started for the door. "Yes, run like all your problems are gonna just fly away. All you guys do is be cowards and happy all the damn time while others have to SUFFER." Signora started to walk closer to them, but they back away. "I'm gonna come back for you. YOUR LIFE WILL BE HELL AS LONG AS I'M AROUND BITCH!" They ran out as Signora laughed. "Pathetic." She pulled out a little polaroid picture. It was her and Jean's mom. "Tch..." She stuck it back in her pocket. 

     They all made it back to Mondstadt. What an experience, am I right? I mean that was like a near death experience. Jean ran to the church, looking for Lisa. "Barbara, where's Lisa?" She asked. Barbara pointed to the door on the right. Jean barged in, startling Lisa. "Jean!" She got up from her bed and hugged her tightly. "Lisa, I'm so glad you're okay." Jean started to cry a little. "Hey, I'm okay. Are you okay?! I got knocked out and then knocked out again, then now I'm at the church with a headache, like what the hell is going on??" Lisa started rambling about what the actual fuck happened. "Signora fucked me up. I can't trust cats anymore. ANYMORE." She tried to make Jean laugh and kind of succeeded. "Signora could be roaming around anywhere. We have got to start keeping an eye out for her. We know that she can shapeshift and is hella strong. I don't want to go looking for her anymore this week...and probably the week after that. I....she messed me up, too. She killed my mom and had the AUDACITY to sing her song. Just the thought of it makes me want to punch something really hard." Jean paced around thinking of anything else that she noticed. She couldn't think of anything else, so she just sat down on the bed. "Wanna go home?" Jean nodded, letting out a sigh. They said their goodbyes to Barbara and headed out. 

     Everyone has settled down. Comfortable in their beds, with their minds at ease. Now that the hell experience is forgotten (for at least a little while). Jean offered Lisa to stay over for the night. Obviously, she said yes. Who would say no??🤨 Anyway, they cuddled and fell asleep. 

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