Headcannons (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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I'm abusing that sparkles emoticon... any who here are my headcannons


>Likes playing in Jean's hair whenever she has the chance

>Would listen the hell out of Doja Cat if they had phones in their time. Specifically Need to Know because of the moan part so she can moan in Jean's ear ahehehe ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>Feels bad that Klee has to be in Solitary Confinement and has tried to break her out from time to time

>Reads as many romantic novels as Jean does

>Has tried to impersonate a scene from a book she read with Jean

"Lisa, are you sure the scene goes like this...?" Jean is in an uncomfortable position right now. "Yes, now hold the "scythe" behind your back and put a straight face on. Like you're doing a battle pose. Then you swing it around and hold it like a gun." (RWBY fans will get this one). 

>Wants to commit arson

>Accidentally struck someone with lightning *cough* Diluc *cough*....

"Now's your chance, Lisa. Strike him!" Traveler whispers to Lisa. They're hiding in a bush close-by. "I can't just strike him down. He hasn't done anyth- ACHOO!" Lisa sneezes and sends a lightning rod to Diluc's back. "Run!" They all sprint away back to the town. 

>Has helped Klee make a dangerous bomb and they both got in trouble

>Hates when her and Jean argue


>Would listen to a lot of songs that are calming and romantic

>Loves when Lisa and Klee play with her hair. One time they put her hair in pig-tails and she had to wear them like that for the rest of the day

>Her and Lisa have gone out to Liyue not only for business

>Likes when Lisa invites her to commit arson. We all know Jean has wanted to commit arson because she's stressed about things and just needs to let it all out

"BURNNNNN!!" Jean has set a whole hilichurl camp ablaze with only one torch. Lisa is in the background terrified, but also amazed. 

>Does research on how to treat her girlfriend (they are obviously canon I'm Mihoyo)

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>Does research on how to treat her girlfriend (they are obviously canon I'm Mihoyo)

>Hates when her and Lisa argue

>Has read many NSFW romantic novels

>She keeps all of Klee's drawings of them in a drawer

>Is super unorganized, but loves when Lisa helps her become organized

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