The Beginning: Story of my life

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(Heyo, back with another story. I'm feeling so much better and motivated now that ive been getting sleep and doing good in school... a little. Anyway, this is the story of Jean's parents and mommy I MEAN Signora (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ) Gonna be one hella long chapter too so get comfy. There will also be angst)

     It was another day in the Fatui. Training for battle....then even more training. Signora and Frederica run around playing tag before being called into their boss's office. "Signora and Frederica, take a seat." They took a seat on the floor. "You two are old enough to start training with the others. So, I want you guys to join the beginners. You will be assigned uniforms and salutes when you get there. Now, run along and have fun!" They both ran out looking for the room. Signora stopped, "Race ya to the room!" "You're on!" They sprinted there. Frederica tripped along with Signora falling on top of her. They both laughed before being interrupted by the teacher. "You two must be Frederica and Signora, yes?" They nodded. "Come in. You will be joining us today. Go sit and watch the others as they train, then I will call you over to follow along." The teacher pointed to two seats. "Alright, class. Get in your positions! Swing! Stab! Watch the way your foot lands, Childe. I want everyone to take their dominant hand and put it behind their back. Now, try to use your sword with your less-dominant hand. See the difference? Well, today we are going to be using that hand, so just in case if something happens to the other hand, you'll know how to use the other. Positions! Swing! Stab! Switch! Swing! Stab! Alright, you two go get a sword." They walked over to grab a sword. They stood beside each other and started doing the moves the others were doing. Frederica started to show off a bit. The teacher was impressed that she learned so quickly. Signora was just as good as Frederica, but still needed a bit more training. Frederica would help Signora after class, if she needed help that is. 

     A few years later, they were now minions. Fighting along their boss or helping the others. One day, Signora fell sick and had to stay behind. Frederica went with their boss to a meeting with the Knights of Favonius. There, she met a boy who was also a minion. His name was Seamus. He was very nice for an enemy. They talked for a while, before their bosses separated them. Frederica never talked to anyone opposite of her before. It felt....nice. Seamus had the idea of sneaking out and going to meet her. His plan was successful for a little while, but then Signora showed up. Surprisingly, she didn't tell on him, but she hated his guts. As long as Frederica was happy, she wouldn't worry. She started to be even more clingy to Frederica whenever Seamus was around. Frederica wasn't at headquarters one day, but Signora was there. She looked mad. "Signora you okay?" I guess she was so angry that she didn't want to talk. "I may not be as good of a friend as Frederica, but I'm here for you Signora. Please, tell me what's wrong." She turned around teary-eyed. "I have nothing to say to the likes of you Favonian pests. You took my best friend away from me. Now, I'll be left as the third wheel. She was supposed to be MY best friend, but then you showed up. Prince charming my ass! She likes you, but not me?! I ought to kill you, so then I can be her one and only. But, she wouldn't be the same without you, so I can't." Seamus was stunned at what she was saying. He didn't know what to say, so he just left. Frederica walked in the door. She heard everything. "Signora what is wrong with you..? You want to kill him just to be mines? Tch... that will NEVER happen between you and I. I like Seamus, not you." She looked disgustingly at Signora. "Wait Frederica, I'm sorry." "Save it. When you come up with an apology maybe I'll forgive you. I don't want to be friends anymore until then. Whatever you have going on.. leave me out of it." Frederica slammed the door. Signora sat in her room, starting to regret everything she said. She punched her pillow, taking her anger out on it a couple more times before laying down. 

     The next day, Seamus didn't show up. He felt like he shouldn't for a while. Just to be safe because you know... Signora literally threatened him... fun right?😃 "Frederica, can we talk? Please?" Signora knocked. Frederica opened the door, letting her in. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I was just so mad.... jealous even! I ask for your forgiveness, so we can be friends again. I've learned my lesson! I can tell you something I learned. I learned-." She was interrupted by Frederica hugging her. "Yes, we can be friends again. But, if I even see you trying to hurt him, I won't be so nice next time." Signora smiled, hugging her back. "Also, it was hard not being around you these past few days..." She nervously laughed. "It did! It was super painful." Signora fake died on the bed. They both laughed, then walked out to go to class. That night, Seamus had the bravery to show up. Frederica saw him and ran over to the window. "Seamus, I'm so glad you're back!" She helped him up. He looked over to Signora who was standing beside her. She looked...embarrassed? "Seamus, I...I'm sorry for what I said the other day. It was cruel and I regret it all. Please forgive me." She bowed before him. "It's okay. Also, there's no need to bow. I'm no royal, just a knight." They all laughed. They hung out for a bit and it seemed like Signora got a little close to Seamus. 

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