Love never dies... right? Why did you have to go?

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(I'm in the mood to write some angst MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA ಠUಠ I said I didn't know how soon I was going to publish this, but here we are)

     What a nice day. The birds were chirping, the sky was blue with a hint of clouds. Our lovely couple was sleeping peacefully in their bed. Klee and Razor come running in the room, yelling for them to wake up. Lisa gets up first, and picks little Klee up. "Good morning, you two. Go wash up, I'll make breakfast." She sets Klee down and doesn't bother to wake Jean up. She works too damn hard, so it's probably for the best. She walks over to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. For a second, the sclera of her left eye turned black, but then went away. "That was weird." She pays no mind to it, then continues to get ready. 

     After what seemed like 15 minutes, she comes out of the bathroom. Jean still asleep, softly snoring. Oh great, now Lisa feels like cuddling up next to her and falling asleep, too. She has kids to take care of for the time being though, so WAKE UP. The librarian of Mondstadt, a mother of 2. Well not biologically, of course, but it would be nice to. "Klee, darling, what do you want to eat?" She yells to upstairs. "Waffles! Oh, and egg whites!" "Razor, hon, what do you want to eat?" Razor was sitting at the table already, so she didn't have to yell. "Waffles and sausage!" His mouth started to drool from just the thought of delicious food set before him. He couldn't wait to basically inhale it. Lisa starts making the waffles, and Klee comes down stairs. "Razor, let's build an electro-bomb, later." She whispers in his ear. They both smile mischievously, rubbing their hands together like mad scientists. (Little terrorists...ಠ_ಠ') Jean finally comes downstairs, eyes halfway open, completely didn't see her own kids, and starts planting kisses on Lisa's neck from behind. "Jean, Klee and Razor are right there.." She stops and looks behind her. "G-Good morning, you two!! Nice weather, am I right?" Klee and Razor look at her in the most disgusted ways. "Lisa, permission to smack your wife upside her head." Klee says getting her hand warmed up. "Permission granted." Jean looks at Lisa in betrayal. One hard smack was sent flying to her neck. "Oh, you've done it now, Klee!" Jean starts chasing her around, yelling, "I'm gonna tickle you!" in a monster voice. "Alright, you two. Come eat." Lisa places plates down on the table. "I always love your cooking, Lisa." Jean says with her mouth full. Klee nods, along with Razor who nods, but is stuffing his mouth at the same time. 

     While Lisa was eating, she started to get a major headache. Jean noticed something was wrong, "Lisa? Are you alright?" "Ugh, yes. I just have a very bad headache. I.. don't think I'll be able to go into work, today." Lisa stands from her chair and stumbles upstairs. "Oh, okay. Well there is medicine in the cabinet in the bathroom!" Jean yells to her. "Jean, is Lisa going to be okay?" Klee also starts to look worried. "Yeah, this usually happens whenever she wakes up earlier than expected and moves too much. You know she's the lazy type, so her body isn't used to it. It's like a once a few months thing." Jean explains. "Let's get you two to training." They all stand from their seats and head out the door. "Bye, Lisa!" They then shout. 

    -What is going on with me? I didn't do that much, did I? Of course not. All I did was wake up and make breakfast. It must have been that thing that happened to my eye this morn- - She starts to scream in agony. Her head feels like it's going to explode. Both her eyes start to fill with black again. She drops to the floor and cries. It hurts too much. -MAKE IT STOP!!- Just like that, all of her pain went away. -What the HELL?! What was that?! I need to go to Barbara.- She walks downstairs. She starts to feel dizzy and holds onto the wall. It was hard getting down the stairs. This is going to be one hell of a day. Wait, to get to Barbara you have to walk up a bunch of stairs.. "Damn you, writer. You just had to remind me that. Just do that time-skip thing, please." 

     [Time-skip to after climbing that shit load of stairs] "Is Barbara here?" She asks one of the sisters. The sister points to a door that was to the left. "Thank you." Lisa walks over to the door and finds Barbara. "Oh, good morning Lisa! How can I be of service?" Barbara asks. "I think there's something wrong with me. This morning, the sclera of my left eye turned black, then went away. When I was eating breakfast, I got this splitting head ache. Then, the headache got worse and it just wouldn't stop. Both of my eyes turned black and I felt like I was going to pass out. When I yelled for it to stop, it stopped." Barbara thinks for a minute, then comes up with an idea. "Okay, Lisa you need to stay home. No matter what, don't use your vision. It seems you're going through vision malfunctions. I thought it was just a myth, but now that you're going through it, it's very hard to heal. If you even use a little bit of your vision, it's not going to turn out great for you. Don't go to headquarters for the rest of the week. I'll try and find a cure for you." Barbara explains. Lisa uses her vision 24/7, so this will be one hard week. "Thank you, Barbara." "Anytime, now go home and rest." 

     The splitting headache was back. Everything around her was blurry and she was getting dizzy. She needed to hurry home. The good thing about this is, she could stay home all day. Bad thing is, a week full of pain. The headache could split her head open for Barbatos's sake. Once she got home, she just flopped on the bed. She can't use any of her powers, so what could she do? The book she reads, involves using her powers. For once, she actually has to move and get a book (⊙ˍ⊙). -I wish Jean was here. I wish I wasn't having these malfunctions. I wish I could just be okay.- The thoughts of her dying and not being able to see her wife and kids was overtaking her. Then, the splitting headache got even worse, eyes black. While she was screaming in agony again, a black figure showed up. It was trying to grab her. Her reflexes kicked in and she shocked the black figure. But, at what cost? Everything turned blurry. She fell to the ground. "I'm sorry." Her heart stops beating, a single tear runs down her face, and black liquid gushes out of her eyes and mouth. She's gone. Barbara was right.. 

     "Lisa! I'm home!" Jean came in the door. She didn't hear anything, so she walked upstairs. "Lisa! Guess who's ho- LISA?!" She runs to the unconscious lady on the floor. "No no no no no. You left too soon." She pulls Lisa to her and sobs. Klee and Razor get home and hear nothing but crying. "Jean?" They both walk upstairs and can't believe their eyes. "L-Lisa?" Klee walks closer and starts crying herself. "Goodbye, my loves. You'll see me again, one day. For now, you have to keep going. Don't give up just because I'm gone. Klee you keep being the little terrorist you are. Razor you keep working on your communications. Jean, my love, you keep working hard. Become the best you can be. See you later." Lisa, as a ghost, says. They can't hear her, but let's hope they can feel it. 

     They held a funeral soon after. "Lisa was a great person. Even as lazy as she was, I admired her. Behind that lazy person, she is a hard worker. She... damn it now I'm crying. She was always there whenever people needed help." Eula stopped talking, and broke into tears. You know it's sad when she cries. Nobody else wanted to talk. It was just full of crying. Jean stood from her seat and wiped her tears as she walked up the stage. "Lisa... she was my wife. I never would have thought that I would meet someone as astonishing as her. She helped me come out of my comfort zone. Telling me, or more like scolding me, to stop working overnight. I got sick the other day because of that exactly. She was a very smart person. She was there for me if she noticed I had more work than usual. Either keep me company, or help me with it. Then we had the chance to adopt these two. Lisa was a great mother to them. She was better at raising Klee. I tried to, but she had experience. I learned soon after, thanks to her. As Eula said, she was really a hard worker. When the library flooded with people wanting that one book, she stayed calm and rushed through it like it was nothing. I, too, admire her. We were childhood friends, but then I forgot about her, then remembered her again. When we were kids, she always dreamt of being a librarian. I'm glad she got to be that. Thank you." As she walks back to her seat, she feels a hand tug her shirt. It's Klee. She's crying her eyes out. Jean picks Klee up and hugs her tightly. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here." She strokes her hair and gives her kisses on her head. The rest of the funeral was just normal. When it was over, everyone gave their blessings and went home. It just wasn't the same without her here. It was like literally half of everyone's hearts were split. Even people from the other nations were torn apart. She just had that affect on everyone, huh? This is goodbye to making new memories. Goodbye, Lisa.

(That concludes this JeanLisa series. Yes, this is also goodbye to stories about them. I'm moving over to my beigguang stories now. Thank you for reading and please stay safe out there!) 

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