The Beginning (End)

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(ITS FINALLY SPRING BREAK THANK GAWD (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ This will be the end of The Beginning series! Thank you for reading and enjoy~)

     After a fun night, our lovely couple spends the whole morning sleeping. They stayed up the whole night doing you know what. Lisa is sore, Jean is covered in hickeys. Today, Jean had to go the office just for a meeting. Boring grown-up things, basically. She woke up and looked at the time. "Shit-." She got up from the bed and quickly got some (decent) clothes on. She was going to be late. You're the Acting Gay Master, Jean 🙄💅. When she looked in the mirror of her bathroom, her whole neck looked like it was attacked by mosquitos. "Damn, okay, gonna have to wear my hair down today, I guess." She said to herself. -When was the last time I wore my hair down outside? The last time I did was back in middle school... I wonder what people will think." She thinks, taking a brush to her hair. It was a little fuzzy, but it'll just have to do. She walks out and kisses Lisa on the forehead. 

     She makes her way to headquarters. Everyone was looking at her in awe. Her hair looked so elegant when it's down. Halfway there, she finds a crying baby on the ground. Her eyes widen and quickly runs over to the baby. She picks it up and looks at the tag that says "Klee 1 years old Birthday: July 27". Klee has cute little elf ears and quickly stops crying once she sees Jean. Jean starts smiling and rocks her a bit. She looks around for anyone that could possibly be her parent. -Who just throws a baby on the ground and leaves???- Of course, Jean takes Klee with her to headquarters. "Sorry I'm late. I found this baby lying on the ground. Anybody ever seen this baby before?" She holds up Klee, who is slobbering all over her hand. Everyone in the room shakes their heads. -Welp, guess I'll have to take her in until she's reported missing.- She thinks, sitting back down. 

     It's a good thing the meeting wasn't so important because Klee kept distracting Jean by taking her hand and sucking it or crying every once in a while. "That concludes this meeting. Thank you for joining us." Seamus says. "Jean, can we talk, please?" He then says before Jean walks out. She sits back down. "So, how is Lisa treating you?" Jean looks confused at what her father is asking. He never asks about things like this. "Um, she's great. Why are you asking?" "Oh no reason... just wondering when you're gonna propose is all..." Seamus says trailing off. "Ah- DAD! Me and Lisa just started dating, I'm not trying to rush things!" Jean is obviously blushing. Imagining her girlfriend in a white dress was enough to get her to be flushed. "Ugh, bye dad. I'm going back home." She stands up and gives her father a hug. 

     The walk home wasn't so bad. -It seems like Klee fell right asleep. Or is she dead? IS SHE DEAD? I haven't fed her at all... WHO KNOWS HOW LONG SHE'S BEEN ON THE GROUND... I need to hurry home!- She thinks to herself. She was in full panic mode now. She's never taken care of a baby before, hopefully Lisa knows all the tricks. 

     She makes it home and Lisa is in the living room, reading a book (as always). "Hi, Jean! Welcome ho- what's that?" Lisa stands from her seat and walks over to Jean. She notices it moving and immediately backs away a bit. "We have company! Her name is Klee. Could you believe someone so terrible left her? ON THE GROUND." Jean sets Klee down on the table. "Do you by any chance know how to take care of babies? I have 0 experience.." She nervously laughs. "Yes I do, actually. I was a babysitter before I came here! Just watch closely." Lisa picks the baby up and gently rocks her. Then, hums a lullaby that immediately makes Klee softly snore. "See? I'll keep Klee company. You need to go buy some baby food, baby clothes, diapers, we'll need to make a crib, baby toys, baby formula, don't hesitate to get a bunch of diapers. Trust me, we'll need them." I guess Lisa has been waiting for this moment her whole life, huh? "Ma'am yes ma'am! Love you or y'all? Love y'all!" Jean runs out the door. 

     Lisa just walks over to the couch and sits down with Klee still in her arms. All of a sudden, Klee sneezes. No, it wasn't just a regular sneeze. It was a full fucking explosion. Lisa just sits there with ash all over her face. "Well aren't you a cute little bomb. You would be great for when we go arson-ing on the weekends. That's usually when mommy wants to relieve her stress of the week." She boops the terrorist on the nose and giggles. She grabs a cloth from the kitchen and wipes her face. She only leaves Klee for 5 seconds, 5 SECONDS, and she's already set the couch partially on fire. "AHHH SHIT UH- UH- WATER WAIT NO KLEE IS ON THERE I'LL DROWN HER AND MAYBE ELECTROCUTE HER." Now she's panicking trying to find the safest way to rescue Klee. She slowly walks over to her and quickly picks her up from the burning couch, then gets some water and puts it out. "What kind of baby are you?! Now our couch looks like a brownie! You better be glad you're a baby, because I will put you in the freezer so you could cool down.." After saying that, Klee starts crying. "I didn't mean it! I'm sorry, Klee! I-I'm sorry." Now she starts crying with her. Jean just walks in with the heavy load of baby things, and finds them both on the floor sobbing. "What the- Are you guys okay?! What happened to the living room?! Why is your face covered in ash, Lisa?! I was only gone for like 10 minutes..." She takes Klee from Lisa's arm and helps her up. "What happened??" "I-I tried to take c-care of her... but she sneezed a-and blew up my face. And and and then I left her for literally 5 seconds and she set the c-couch on fire. Then I threatened to put her i-in the freezer to cool down, but she's a baby and she started crying and then I started crying with herRrRrR." Lisa started crying again. "Okay, let me try to help. Kleee, it's me! It's mommy!" Klee opens her eyes and immediately stops crying. The cutest smile forms on her face and she takes Jean's finger to suck on it. "See? All better! Lisa, why did you threaten to put her in the freezer..?" She asks the sobbing Lisa on her shoulder. "I was frustrated! She set our couch ablaze..." "That doesn't mean threaten to put her in the freezer! She's 1!" Jean gives Klee back to Lisa and unpacks the groceries. "Okay, I found pieces to build a crib, I found baby food and I got some food for us to eat tonight, too, I got like 10 boxes of diapers, and found this adorable onesie that has all of the visions on it. Well, I didn't know if she had a vision, but now that you told me set the couch ablaze, I know she's a pyro!" She shows Lisa everything she got. "And it smells like someone just took a dump.." Lisa closes her nose. "Good thing I got the diapers. Can you change her? I'll watch, so you won't have to do it every time." Jean suggests. "Yeah," Jean grabs a new diaper and they walk to the bathroom and set Klee on the counter. "First, you have to get rid of their clothes from the area, so they don't get dirty. Next, put the new diaper under the old one, so if they pop something out at us, the diaper will catch it. While the new diaper is still under them, take the old one off, wipe them everywhere in the area, and put the new one on. Tadaaa! That's all you have to do." She makes it look so easy. "Bring me that onesie." Lisa commands. Jean walks downstairs to get it. "Thank you." Lisa puts it on and Klee looks so cuteeee. Maybe parenting wouldn't be so hard after all. 

     Many years have passed now. Klee is a little terrorist and has to be put in time-out several times a day. Who knew that a literal child could be charged with arson 3 times a day.. Since no one has claimed her as their child, they adopted Klee. Now, she's Klee Gunnhildr. Jean and Lisa have gotten married. Razor has been adopted, too. He's older than Klee, but isn't very good with communicating. Lisa teaches him, or tries to teach him. Usually whenever they have lessons to do, he just runs off into the wilderness. That's where he was found. Taken care of by wolves and then kicked out, really took a tole on him. Since he has a human family now, it isn't that bad. Although, they can't keep up with his quickness. It's as if he's a wolf now. Hunts well, runs hella fast, and can kick ass. He's an electro, too, so Lisa tries to teach him tricks. They're a happy family now. "Come on guys, the food is ready!" Lisa shouts to Razor and Klee who are playing tag. Klee always ends up being tagged and never tags Razor, so she stomped inside. "Hey, Razor, let Klee tag you sometimes, okay? If she gets too angry, she will literally set our house on fire." She whispers. "Razor can't do. Too fast!" Razor starts running in place. "Just do it." Lisa looks at him with the death stare. "Jean, Lisa scary. Help, thank you forever." He says. He's trying his best :'). "Well, she is right. Klee is a walking bomb. When she was a baby, she set the couch ablaze. So, yes, please go easy on her, okay?" She pats Razor on the head. They sit down at the table and lived happily ever after. The End 

(I'm sorry y'all had to wait so long for this :').. This is the end of the beginning story and now we're gonna continue to write smuts of this lovely couple. Thank you for reading!('▽'ʃ♡ƪ) )

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