| 21. MORPH |

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  "Where the fuck did he go?" Harry mumbled as he shoved a bag of supplies through the window

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  "Where the fuck did he go?" Harry mumbled as he shoved a bag of supplies through the window.

"Maybe he just needed a second to walk around?" I offered as I tried to peek over Harry's shoulder.

"In the shape that he was in?" He questioned, turning around to face me with a knowing look and shrugged.

One of his legs propped itself into the opening as he hoisted himself up. For someone as tall as Harry, he sure knew how to twist and turn his body into positions I didn't think possible.

His landing echoed against the empty walls and he wiped his hands onto his pants. His movements seemed more rigid now, hesitant almost. In all honesty, I did find it weird too, but where could he have gone? Nothing could have gotten in or out, especially in that short amount of time Harry and I were gone to the car. We would've heard something.

"I'm sure he'll be right back. Not like he could've gone far."

His face didn't look all that sure of my response. "Maybe, I dunno." He extended his hand through the crack, waiting for my grasp.

The soles of my shoes slightly slipped against the wooden walls as I used him as support. One hand gripped tightly against the window sill as the other was pulled rather forcefully by Harry. If he had pulled any harder I would have flown straight through the window and into him.

"That was graceful," he laughed once I stood back up from the ground. I flashed a middle finger directly in his face, resulting in his laughter to spread. It ricocheted against the walls, enveloping my whole body with his amusement. It almost made me forget what we were doing in the first place.

I seemed to have a habit of that around him.

"Okay, uh, I guess we should look for him? Call for him?" I spoke my ideas with a sense of uncertainty. It was the best idea I had, but it sure didn't feel like a great one.

The last time I was in a situation like this was when I looked for Alayna and my mom, and was met with the first stage of despair. The similarity of what was happening rattled me, all of sudden wanting to break down sobbing. But it wasn't like I could, because like I said, I already tried many times already.

"We need to go, Brin. I don't want to spend all our time looking for that kid." His use of the word kid made me chuckle lightly, knowing he was the same age as him. Yet, I still agreed that he had a kid-like nature to him.

I briefly considered his idea, but I couldn't just leave him. I didn't want him to think we just threw it for him and ditched right after. What if he had walked off somewhere inside and couldn't get up? He really was in bad condition. Who knew what could have happened if he overestimated his abilities?

I groaned, rolling my eyes. My shoulder brushed against his as I passed by him.

"Daniel?" I walked through the room, ducking my head around corners of beds, hoping to see his face. All the doors were closed and padlocked like they were before we left. Nothing was out of the ordinary or gave any sign of his previous presence.

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