blood drive

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"Look at this. It's like opening day for Revenge of the Sith all over again." Benny says.

"Just, you know, minus the stormtroopers." Ethan says.

"I loved that movie." I sighed.

"No you loved Anakin." Benny nudged.

"Yeah it was pretty cool that you cosplayed as Padme."

"Yeah. I was so proud of myself for that." I grinned.

"Anyways. My mom thinks I should donate. Says my blood is special. I think that's exactly why I should keep it where it belongs, in my veins." Ethan told us.

"Dude, she has to say your blood is special, she's your mom. The reason you don't give blood is because you're scared of needles, chicken." Ethan taunts.

"Well grandma always says my blood is special too but that's nothing to be mean about, Benny." I pushed him.

"Im not afraid. I just don't like them." Ethan defended.

"Right, the same way you don't like the commercial with the dancing crackers?" Benny says.

"You don't like the commercial with the dancing crackers?" I gasped.

"It freaks him out." Benny laughs.

"It does not, ok. Im just uncomfortable with eating things that dance." Ethan explains.

"Understandable." I nodded.

"Plus I don't see you running to donate." Ethan points at my brother.

"Uh, yeah, they can lift your entire genetic code from one drop. What if someone cloned me? No way am I giving..." we then walked into the blood drive room and saw the nurses. "Then again I could stand to loose a pint or two."

"Now you always unintentionally seem to prove why you don't have a girlfriend yet." I looked at my brother.

"Come on." Benny looked at Ethan ignoring me as usual. "Unless, of course, you're too chicken."

"Don't let him pressure you, Eth." I placed my hand on the boys arm.

"Im not a chicken. Im a hawk, with huge talons and laser eyes. I just have to, um... talk to Sarah." Ethan described.

"Ditto. Lets leave Benny to get rejected by these nurses. I've seen Benny get rejected more times in my life to know it will happen again." I shook my head.

"You two are just jealous." Benny calls after us.

"Oh very." I said sarcastically.

"Hey." We both greeted when we saw the girl eating... a family size bag of chips?

"Hey guys. What's up?" She responded nervously.

"Not much." Ethan said back.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Sure, I'm fine. Why don't I look ok?" She opened her eyes wide.

"Well, you have like half a bag to chips on your face." Ethan pointed out. "Seeing all this blood is really getting to you, huh?"

"It's like letting contestants from the biggest Loser loose in a chocolate factory." Sarah explained.

"Do you need help? We could be like your diet buddies." Ethan suggested.

"Speak for yourself, I already put myself on a diet as it is." I said.

"Its Erica I'm worried about. She doesn't have much self-control and if..." Sarah was cut off but Erica walking up to us.

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