☘︎ : What's In My Bag

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Taika and Sieon are doing a Vogue Korea photoshoot and are picked to do an interview called What's In My Bag

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Taika and Sieon are doing a Vogue Korea photoshoot and are picked to do an interview called What's In My Bag.


"Hi, everyone! I'm Taika." Taika waves, "And I'm Sieon, and today we're here to do, What's In My Bag!" They both finish their introduction and then take out their bags.

Sieon takes out a black Saint Laurent Loulou shoulder bag while Taika pulls out a Dior mini saddle bag.

"I've had this bag for a good two years, and I've been using it eversince."

"I've had mine for three, and it was a gift from Seulgi for my birthday." Sieon begins to take her belongings out of the bag.

"The first thing is my phone; it's basically an essential." Sieon then flashes her phone and Taika begins to take her items out. "Mine is this," She holds a small container of perfume to the camera.

"I originally bought it as a gift, but then I realised I bought the wrong thing so I went to turn it back but then I figured I could use it for myself and buy another gift instead."

"Was it for me?"

"No, Mua." She and Sieon both let out a big laugh before continuing the interview.

"Sunscreen!" Sieon shook the tiny bottle of sunscreen in hand, "When I stay out in the sun for long periods of times, I tend to get burned alot so I use sunscreen now which helps."

"Before, she used to put makeup on the areas that were burnt so you wouldn't notice them on stage." Taika explained while Sieon hummed in agreement.

"Like, right here––" Taika turned Sieon around and gestured to a big area on Sieon's back, "––I remember her rubbing makeup that morning before we had the stage."

"Mine is my charger, you can never go wrong with a phone charger."

"Mine is my sanitary/medicine bag." The small bag was a pink polcadotted bag filled with sanitary napkins, painkillers, hangover medicine and cough drops.

"As a child, my mum always made me carry important things incase an accident happened or incase it might be needed. So that's why I have all of these things incase something hapens."

"We usually go to her for things like these, because we know she always has them." Taika expresses while sprinkling some of her perfume on.

"Can I try?" Sieon asks and Taika passes the bottle, "Thank youuu."

"The next out of my bag is earphones."

"The next out of mine is earpods."

The girls were shocked that they both took out the same things.

"I have earpods and I use them regularly, however, they tend to fall out when I'm exercising or moving around alot so having wired ones reduces that."

"From a kid I developed the habit of not travelling without music so I always carry my earposs with me wherever I go."

Sieon removes a gray charger from her bag. "My phone charger. Like Taika said, chargers are our essentials!"

Taika removes a pink and orange bracelet and places it onto the table. "My mum gave me this when I first left Taiwan and came to Korea so it'd be a way to remember her and my family. I've never once went anywhere without it."

Sieon then pulled out a pen, "One of my fans actually bought this for me and as you can see––" She brings the pen closer to the camera, "––my name is engraved on it and it means alot to me so I carry with me all the time."

"My last item is a hair band. My hair is quite long and it tends to get in the way when I'm trying to do something so I carry this with me incase that happens." Taika says.

"My last item is," She pulls the small object out of her bag, "Lipgloss!" She rests it on the table and Taika picks it up to look at it.

"Lipgloss is a must because it moisturises your lips and mines tend to get a little dry so I carry lipgloss around."

"Why choose lipgloss instead of lipbalm?" Taika asks.

"I like the shine and glossy touch better."

- ☘︎ -

"Okay! That was the end of our interview and we hope you all have enjoyed!" Sieon relays.

"Please give this video a lot of likes and suscribe to Vogue Korea! Thank you!"

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