(11) Unbearable Unhappiness

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Anna dreaded the day she was about to have. Kurt and Linda had decided that Anna was in need of some extra time spent with Linda - and that's exactly the last thing that she wanted. She currently wanted nothing to do with the woman. It did not thrill her in the slightest about being forced to go out with her, let alone do things that Anna had not even the slightest bit of interest in.

Anna sat quietly in the salon chair as the woman filed her nails. If Linda knew anything about Anna, it should be that she never got her nails done. She picked at them too much from her fidgeting and always picked the polish off, so it was always a waste of money for her to get them professionally done. The more they spent time together, the more Anna realized Linda didn't know her at all. But Anna also realized that Linda had picked out all the things she liked to do and took her to do those things rather than stuff Anna would want to do - like go to the library or the bakery. Even if they just sat in silence reading a book, Anna would be perfectly content.

The entire time, all Anna did was think about her mom. She knew her mom would have known all the things she liked - but then again, Anna also knew she would never be in the predicament where she was being forced to get along with someone she didn't even like right now. She could see the annoyance written in Linda's face and Anna didn't care. She wanted Linda to be annoyed - she wanted her to feel some type of way since she was making Anna feel some type of way.

"Kurt, this was a bad idea." Linda stormed into the house when they returned home.

Anna followed right behind her and started to head up to her room.

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"She totally embarrassed me the entire time!" Linda complained.

"What? No I did not!" Anna yelled as she stepped back off the stairs.

Both heads snapped in her direction, one giving her a concerned eye while the other just stared blankly at her.

"She totally ignored everything I said and made me look stupid in front of everyone." Linda told him, "Wouldn't even speak a single word to me. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your daughter ignore you in public like that?"

"It's a good thing I'm not your daughter then." Anna huffed.

"I am marrying your father!" Linda crossed her arms.

"Exactly - you are marrying him and I just so happen to be his daughter, but I am NOT yours." Anna harshly snapped back.

"Anna, that is enough.'' The raise in her fathers voice only upset her more.

"You don't even see what's going on!" Anna yelled, "You're just as oblivious as she is!"

"Do not talk to your father that way." Linda chimed in.

"You know what?" Anna paused - a quick decision forming in her mind, "I hate you! I hate you both!"

The words blurted out with no effort at all. She hadn't even been thinking them but that was surely how she felt. She had never used those words in her life - never. She hated those words. She hated to hate anybody - but at that moment, she hated Linda and her father. She hated them both for not hearing her. For not sitting down and trying to figure out what was truly going on.

Not a second thought crossed her mind as she stormed out of the door and left it wide open as she took off running down the sidewalk. She was fully aware of how childish she looked running away from all of her problems, but it was the only thing she knew how to do. How could she stay in a house where no one was understanding the way she was feeling?

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