(14) Engaging Excitement

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Anna didn't know that Javi's birthday was coming up until Izzy had told her. They had run into each other at the library, and Anna wanted nothing more than to let Izzy know about what she knew - but keeping it a secret right now was the most important thing. She knew their identities must remain hidden, and it was only by chance that she had figured out the faces behind some masks.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me? I need to get Javi a birthday present." Izzy whispered as they both sat at the same table with books open in front of them.

"When's his birthday?" Anna wondered.

"Next Wednesday." she answered.

"We should throw him a surprise birthday party." Anna thought that maybe throwing a party would show that she was interested in him. She remembered Linda telling her it was okay for the girls to start things sometimes.

"I think he would like that," Izzy nodded, "We can get the others to help too."

"Perfect," Anna closed her book, "Let's get a game plan going then. Can you ask them to meet up with us somewhere? The park - or anywhere Javi might not show up?"

"Don't worry, I've got that pat covered. I'll text everyone and tell them to meet us here. Javi would never come here." Izzy told her.

She watched the girl pull her phone out and type something in the matter of seconds.

"Speaking of Javi..." Izzy trailed off.

"What about him?" Anna rested her chin on her hands, trying to ignore the urge to tap her fingers on the table. It was hard to fight against it, but she didn't want to disturb anyone else in the library.

Instead, she started running her hands through her hair that was resting at her shoulders. She twisted strands, twirled them on her fingers, and even slightly tugged at the end of them just to try and distract herself from wanting to tap.

"I may have given him your phone number," Izzy smiled, "He wouldn't stop asking me for it."

"Why didn't he just ask me for it? I would have given it to him." Anna tilted her head slightly.

"Cuz he's a stupid boy, duh." Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Heard from anyone yet?" Anna wondered.

"Amelia and Ollie. They'll be here soon. I'd imagine they will bring Zayto along." Izzy checked her phone.

Anna eyed the girl, wondering if Ollie and Zayto were the faces behind the other two masks. There was no way she could ask Izzy just yet, but the curiosity was very present and Anna wondered if she could get the girl to admit anything to her.

"Pine Ridge has been very quiet," Anna cleared her throat, "Haven't heard much about any Sporix beasts lately."

"Yeah," Izzy shifted in her seat and rested her hands on the table, "The Power Rangers must be doing a good job."

"Do you ever wonder who they are?" Anna asked, "I've had a few encounters with them and I'd like to thank them for protecting the city."

"I wonder who they are all the time. They are really brave people." Izzy nodded.

"They really are," Anna agreed, "I don't think I could ever be that brave."

"I'm sure you could," Izzy smiled, "We're all brave in our own ways."

Anna looked over Izzy's shoulder to see Ollie, Amelia, and Zayto coming towards their table. The two girls scooted over to make room for the others as they pulled chairs away from the others table to sit with them.

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