Small Child (Chapter 12)

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Chapter: Small Child


I wake up lying on a couch being stared at by a small child. Light struggles to pour in from behind the thick window shades. The little girl runs away quickly after seeing my open eyes.

I get up and look at myself in a mirror. My irises are all black. They immediately turn back to hazel, their normal color. No wonder I scared the little kid.

Li Jie walks in with a women who the child is hiding behind.

Li Jie said, "Hello, Savanna. This is my wife, Maylin, and our child, Lixue."

"Lixue is very shy, but she seems to like you." added Maylin.

Like me? She ran away from me! But that was probably just from the weird eye color. I don't like strangers with black eyes either, so I forgive her. Besides, Lixue is adorable!

I slowly bent down and held my arms open wide. Lixue cautiously walked out from behind Maylin and gave me a hug.

I smiled at Maylin. "Aw, your daughter is really sweet."

Lixue looked up at her mom, said something excitedly in Chinese that I didn't understand, and toddled from the room.

"Lixue says you have dark secrets, but she likes you anyway." explained Li Jie.

My eyebrows raised in surprise. "She's about two years old, how would she know that?"

"We think Lixue has a superpower. Something to do with both empathy and telepathy. We want to move to the United States so she'll have more freedom on jobs to pick related to her power, otherwise here the government will force her to work for them. I intended to be a college professor and even was working at a local university, but when I ended up with a power, my career turned into government service automatically. We have no idea where in America to move, however." said Li Jie.

I blurted out, "Move to Oakwood. It's a small town, people there have powers already, you'd fit in."

"Which Oakwood? There are Oakwoods in Indiana, Texas, Tennessee, Georgia..." continued Maylin.

I said, "Oakwood, Illinois. My older sister Carrolee lives there and so does my friend Aliza. They seem to be living pretty happily, so I think you'd like it. I wish I could move there myself."

"We'll think about it. Cheng and Qiang are having breakfast in the next room. Cheng's new wife is here. They got married in December." explained Li Jie.

I smiled. "I get to meet her too? That's great! I am feeling a little hungry now that I think about it."

My stomach growled loudly. My eyes widened and I blurted out, "De ba chee." (I'm sorry)

"Oh, you know some Chinese? Want to practice later, after you've eaten?" asked Maylin.

I nodded sheepishly. "Yes. I don't know that much, so try not to laugh at me."

Lixue ran back into the room, grabbed my hand, and led me to the table.

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