Who Am I? (Chapter 11)

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Chapter: Who Am I?

Something was in my dreams.

Something darker than shadowhiders.

Something WRONG.

Something EVIL.

And it felt so real.

A human-like face paler than the full moon and with eyes that were completely black stared at me through a haze. It wasn't walking humanoid style, it had a jerking gait that meant it had four legs. I was amusing to it. Amusing, and nothing more. As crushable as a bug.

The monster opened it's mouth and I saw it's teeth were carnivorous dinosaus style. I could smell the putrid smell of death, even though I'd never smelled anything in dreams before. It's forked tongue was maroon and reptilian as well as forked.

The tongue reached out and licked me. My face felt as though fire ants burned me.

"You know so little about yourself, child. Why not try and find out?" the creature suggested. Not for my sake, but it's. Did it have a point in this? An angle to be gained?

I laughed bitterly. "Who would I find out from? Carrolee? She doesn't want to see me ever again, that's why she left me alone in Chicago, only she didn't even bother telling me, and she had me figure it out on my own. No one knows me or who I am. Not my cousins, not my sister, not my one friend figure Aliza, so I can't very well find out."

"Experiment with the limits of your abilities. You will find surprises in water." The creature put an almost human-feeling hand on my shoulder. It didn't burn at all or even feel like anything. It was just there.

A burst of energy shot out from me. Not even light energy, as I expected, but something else. The creature and I had been standing in a blank dark-red wasteland of nothingness. Now I crouched on the sandy beach of a calm lake pooled around snow-capped purple mountains. Trees filled with pink cherry blossoms swayed in the gentle breeze. Scents sweeter than sugar wafted temptingly around my nose. Small songbirds twittered in the distance.

The creature seemed stooped over now that I could see it slightly better. It was covered in a patch of darkness that stood completely out from the day-lit scene. The darkness was spread out slightly in my direction and touched beneath my feet. The darkness felt curdled like spoiled milk left out. I still couldn't see the form of the figure completely clearly. Maybe it didn't want me to.

The creature grabbed my hand with it's human-ish arm and edged it forward towards the clear and pure-looking water. It's grip didn't feel absolute, but I sensed it could turn so if I protested in the slightest.

The odd creature coaxed me, "That's it, Savanna, touch the water. Just touch the water and see your abilities expand hundredfold."

I woke up just before my fingers breezed the water's surface. Perhaps that was the best thing that could have happened to me when I haven't been given a choice about anything so far.

Light's Fright (formerly Lightwielder in China)Where stories live. Discover now