Shake Beijing (Chapter 8)

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Chapter: Shake Beijing


Out of all the millions of people running around beneath it's feet, the zippercut saw me, out of everyone else. I know I'm American and all, but I don't stand out that much!

The zippercut bellowed at me. It ripped the top hunk of a skinny cell phone tower and threw it at me.

The cell phone tower pole actually made for an excellent spear, except even for the zippercut's depth perception, it missed and hit a large billboard advertising cigarettes. Take that tobacco!

The hit billboard rained sparks on me, giving me some extra light to work with. I made myself a light sword and light shield as well as a floating platform for me to get in close.

Upon the sight of my light objects, the zippercut growled angrily. It used it's cutting spike to rip off the chunk of a thick skyscraper and dropped it over me. A thousand tons of glass and metal came hurtling down on the entire city block.

There was so much screaming and panicking people around me that I was having trouble concentrating. My light sword, shield, and floating platform disappeared. Why couldn't I make anything?!

The sun was being blocked by clouds. Without it shining directly on me, lightwielding is harder. I needed to open up the sky!!! Where's a weather-controller when you need one?!

I started breathing slowly. A small light orb the size of a tennis ball appeared and grew to the size of a globe.

It took all my strength, but I formed it into a beam and disintegrated most of the falling debris the zippercut had caused. My light beam shone straight up and nicked the creature's back. It roared in pain.

I kept the light beam going until I pierced it through the clouds. The clouds heated up and instantly turned into transparent water vapor. The blazing bright sun shined upon all of Beijing.

The zippercut hated the blinding brightness the sun was bringing down upon it. It howled in pain and hatred of the shining source of massive amounts of light that it couldn't do anything about.

I gathered more light easily now and threw a burst of light energy so powerful that the city vibrated in it's place as I let go. The burst impacted the zippercut head-on. It exploded skyward into a bloody mess. The bottom half of the creature's carcass tumbled over and crushed five blocks adjacent to us. The zippercut almost had the final revenge on me.

The dark emotions inside me felt content. I shuddered. I had brought about more death carelessly today.

Li Qiang and the others ran over to me. Qiang congratulated me. "You stopped it Savanna, you're a hero! You saved so many lives today!"

Had I? No, not really. And I honestly don't think I'm a hero either. There was something WRONG inside my soul and it convinced me to kill, not drive away that zippercut, so I couldn't be a hero. Please don't call me one, Li Qiang.

"Look, can we just head to Mang Shan already? Ugh!" I stomped off moodily towards our destination: the train station.

Behind me, Li Chang whispered to Li Jie, "What's wrong with that little girl now?"

"There's nothing wrong with Savanna, Chang, she just has private issues to work out." assured Li Jie. He always has such outstanding confidence in me.

But there is something wrong, Li Jie!!! I just don't know what it really means for me or how the heck to solve it!!!

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