Unfortunate Sparing (Chapter 13)

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Chapter: Unfortunate Sparing


Li Cheng was holding hands with a woman his age that I didn't know. She seemed a little fragile, but yet beautiful and strong beyond her years. Her hair was tied back in a small ponytail. She ate very gracefully.

Li Qiang sat and conversed with a much older man at the table. I didn't know the older man either. His face was similar to Qiang's, but this man had some hair at least, none of it graying. Long wrinkles furrowed the unknown man's forehead.

Li Jie and Maylin Je-Je (female cousin) walked in behind Lixue and I. Li Jie told everyone who I was in Chinese (I'm pretty sure that's what he was saying, I for sure didn't understand it) and the ones who spoke English introduced the others to me.

"Savanna, this is my wife, Jing Jing." said Li Cheng.

She smiled at me and I smiled happily back. Language barrier or not, a smile is universal. We shook hands a little and I felt this resoluteness in her that no one else probably realized if they weren't looking for it. I think she'll be important unexpectedly somehow.

Li Cheng added, "She doesn't speak any English, but she hopes you two will find some way to communicate anyways."

Lixue went over and tugged the elder man. He got up and shook my hand.

"This is my father." explained Li Qiang. "You call him Ar Jo, which means second-oldest uncle."

"Nice to meet you, Ar Jo." I said.

We all sat down for breakfast. A new person came out of the kitchen and started to exclaim over me. She was a little older than my Ar Jo and had wavy short hair. She had Li Jie's eyes.

Maylin told me, "This is your Dai-e-ma, which means oldest-aunt. She is Jie's mother."

"Ni hao, Dai-e-ma!" I attempted to say. (hello, oldest aunt)

She got even more excited about me and hugged me like I was her own child. I felt comforted by her, because she seemed to be treating me very motherly.

Flashbacks attacked me. I remember being small and Carrolee in a cradle next to me. It changes to Carrolee showing me how to play with a pit bull through a chain-link fence when we were three. A more recent image of Carrolee tending to my wounds right before Thalia burst in and attacked us replaced the former memory. Finally, I see and hear my mom telling me, "I love you," before a fire set by shadowhiders rips through the house, killing her and Dad, while unfortunately sparing Carrolee and me.

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