Another Delay (Chapter 14)

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Chapter: Another Delay

Little Lixue gasped and I tried to cover up what just happened. "Nope, don't worry, I'm fine, whatever Lixue's saying, I'm really okay."

That wasn't me saying those words though, out loud. I didn't choose to. Weird. Though the flashbacks did make me uncomfortable, I at least didn't pass out, so I guess I am fine. I'm more concerned that Lixue had to see that. Chicago is an unpleasant place for me to remember too.

"Really, because Lixue said something about bad memories affecting you, and if there's something you need to tell us..." started Li Cheng.

I smiled weakly. "Everything is fine. So what are we doing today?"

"We told your Dai-e-ma about us going to Mang Shan early this morning, but she insists we, uh, take you to the zoo and out to lunch before-hand." Li Qiang told me. He raised his eyebrows and curled his mouth into a bemused smirk. He knew very well how I felt about being delayed all the time. Xiao Cao Zhu isn't waiting on anyone!

I thought very carefully about my response. Yes, it was imperative I track down Xiao Cao Zhu, but this is the first time I've ever met these people, my own family. So, although it goes against my better nature (sigh), I'm going to the zoo! Wow, I feel like I'm little again. Brooklyn and Lincoln Park Zoo were both taken over by shadowhiders and certain pens hold monsters for fights now.

I grinned. "Great! When are we leaving? Now? Can we leave now?!"

Lixue shrieked the word, "Xióng māo!!!" and pulled me out of my chair. She did some sort of happy dance with me and hugged my leg after that.

"What's 'Xióng māo' mean?" I whispered to Maylin Je-Je

She answered, "It means panda. Lixue's favorite animals are the giant pandas and red pandas. Zhengzhou first got a giant panda and red panda in the early 2000's to 2010, and since then, we've gotten more and more, enough to have a small breeding population of each. A few months ago, a giant panda at our zoo had a cub, and it's the talk of the country because pandas are still endangered, they're notoriously bad at breeding in captivity, etc. The zoo's generally very crowded in that area and most people have to pay extra just to get in that area, but your Ar Jo is good friends with the manager of the zoo, who will let you go in for free, give you a tour of everything for free, just as long as he gets the chance to meet you."

"Of course I'll meet Ar Jo's friend. Who will be going on the trip with me?" I inquired. I took bites of the meal now, earlier I had neglected to because I'd been talking to everyone. There was rice soup, dumplings, and porridge.

Li Jie replied, "I will, Maylin, Lixue, Qiang, your Ar Jo, your Ar Jo's friend of course, while Cheng and Jing Jing are staying home. Your Dai-e-ma needs to go to work soon, though she really wishes she could go with us."

"Another time she will, hopefully." added Maylin.

A chorus of, "Je zhen's!" (good bye) and we were off to the zoo!

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