Anything but Ordinary (Chapter 6)

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Chapter: Anything but Ordinary

"Get up. GET UP." I practically shouted in my cousins' faces.

They had given me a copy of their room key so I could get in and get their help in case there was trouble. Probably not a wise decision on their part.

Li Qiang covered his face with a pillow. "Aaaah! Jie, ask the little girl what she wants!"

Li Jie sighed and got up out of bed. He was a little taller than me, maybe by an inch. He had small-framed glasses and semi-short black hair. He smiled most of the time and seemed like a fairly optimistic sort of guy. He was my favorite of the three.

"What is it, Savanna? Have you found something out about the shadow-controller?" asked Li Jie.

I grinned. "Actually, yes! He might be heading to Mang Shan, so we need to go right away and check it out!!"

"Little girl, Mang Shan is a mountain, not a city. There is little reason why anyone would be there, unless they are tourists." said Li Cheng in the nicest way possible.

I was pretty okay with Li Cheng too. He was about half-an-inch shorter than me, his hair was a tiny bit longer than Li Jie's in the front, his glasses were a little bigger, and his face would reveal dimples when he smiled.

I insisted, "Tell me about Mang Shan and the nearby major cities around it."

"It is a mountain on the south bank of the Yellow River. There is a nearby pumping station that supplies water from the Yellow River to Zhengzhou, a nearby large city, in fact the capital of the Henan Province. There is a lush forest and hiking trails that upon your way allow you to see some of the temples there." described Lie Jie.

I asked, "Have any dragons been spotted around there?"

"Yes, recently two older dragons were seen by tourists and officials alike, traveling through the area. Why?" inquired Li Cheng.

Li Qiang groaned from his bed. "Please tell me that your shadow-controller does not happen to be a dragon."

"He very well might. I can't help but suspect the water pumping station and nearby trails are important. The two dragons recorded coming through the forest might be his parents. We have to investigate." I concluded.

Li Jie asked me, "So we're going to Mang Shan?"

"Yes. Pack your suitcases, cousins!" I turned and left for my own room.

Before I left, I could hear the faint sound of Li Qiang mumbling, "How is SHE an ordinary girl?!"

I'm not. I'm Savanna Stephenson, a lightwielder, and I'm anything but ordinary.

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