An Intercepted Note (Chapter 18)

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What I really hate: when the sky is raining fire.

What I hate even more: a group of dragons is raining fire at ME. I've never liked fire, or lava, or anything remotely able to charcoal me in the first place. Heat and hot temperatures just aren't what I like.

I climb on the very top of the monkey rock, as the monkeys scurry downward and fire-breath licks my hair. I stare Xiao Cao Zhu in the eye. He looks weary, upset, and possibly afraid.

Me, I have nothing in my glance but rage. Shadowhider!

I hurtle a light boulder directly at him. He dodges it barely and the group of dragons scatter, most heading back northwest, where they came from. One drops something, a vial with a note of some sort, and they plus another go to retrieve it before they leave. The thing, whatever it is, balances precariously on the monkey gym equipment.

What it is, it will be mine.

I leap off the mountain and attempt to beat the dragons to it. The equipment manages to hold my weight, so I lay a hand on the bottle just as the one who dropped it grabs it, and the other dragon hovers quietly behind me. They don't know that I know they're there.

I stare the juvenile dragon in front of me down. They aren't much bigger than I am. "Nice try."

"Get out of China, Stephenson." sputtered the male voice.

The back of my neck grew hot. I slid between two rungs of the metal sideways ladder I was standing on, holding myself only by my hands. Just in time too, as the other young dragon, the one that had been behind me, her fire-breath hit the male dragon.

The dragon dropped the bottle. I caught that vial of sorts with my feet, since my hands were currently occupied in the task of keeping me from falling. The dragon, from being hit with fire-breath, yelled, "Mă fin!"

The dragons flew off, to the northwest, to join their group. I couldn't simply drop to the ground, because I'd likely twist my ankle in the fall, and besides, I had the glass bottle between my feet. I made myself a floating light platform and lowered myself to the ground while sitting on it.

I got off and uncorked the bottle. I opened the folded note to find an awful lot of Chinese.

Since I think that dragon was cursing earlier, and not talking about muffins, 'Mă fin.'

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