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Chapter 131 Do you know, my tenderness~

Zhang Jiasheng is still continuing.

"After the eighth chapter of the battle of wits, the evaluation of her and "Jianghu Beauty Conspiracy" in the public discussion area began to be objective, and many just people began to stand up for her. The letters I wrote before were finally released. It came out, this Dongfeng Daily is really interesting. In the past, when others were scolding her, I suppressed my letters. When the noise started to fall to the other side, I released my previous letters. This proves This novel was supported by staunch readers from the very beginning."

In fact, what Dongfeng Daily did is understandable, and their method can be said to be the originator of modern marketing and hype. It's just that at this time, the Internet has not yet set foot on the stage of history, the information feedback is not timely, and people can not participate in the interaction in such a timely manner.

Dongfeng Daily has used this method well, and it is now a big hype drama, and it is also the norm of public opinion.

When you hack a person, you will be black to death, and then there will be a turning point, and the whitewashing will be overwhelming. This method is used by any public relations company.

Dongfeng Daily still does not have this kind of complete and mature consciousness. If they really have this kind of consciousness, they should take the initiative to intervene and artificially guide public opinion when Lin Yunxing's novel is controversial. Because no matter whether Lin Yunxing's novel is good or bad, through this gimmick, he can ruthlessly brush a wave of existence.

But this kind of thing is still too difficult for now, and it is impossible to have such advanced means and information channels. And Dongfeng Daily is also well-known, there is no need to do this kind of thing through this means.

Therefore, the situation Zhang Jiasheng said may still be a kind of subordination under the general trend.

When everyone was accusing Meiren of plotting this book, the newspaper did not dare to go against people's wishes and release comments that were favorable to Lin Yunxing. In this way, some people may think that Hu Qing is helping his own people and wants to suppress the dissatisfaction of readers.

It's even worse to say it like that.

Editor-in-chief Hu Qing wanted to help the female author speak, but the female author was really hopeless, and no matter how much he helped, it would be useless. Those who don't have the real materials should go home quickly, and where they come from, they will go back, so don't be embarrassed here.

There is almost no guesswork, these rumors will follow.

But now things have taken a turn for the better. This female author is also capable, and she has surprised many readers with just one piece. The people of Dongfeng Daily are not fools either. Hu Qing is their star editor-in-chief. He was scolded together before, which has an impact on the image of the newspaper.

This time they gave a helping hand, and the female author's reputation improved, and even Hu Qing was regarded as a discerning person.

As a result, there are many positive comments on Lin Yunxing's novels in the newspapers.

After this incident, people from Dongfeng Daily also felt that Lin Yunxing, a female author, still has some real skills, and her novels will not be banned for the time being, and even consider publishing it in the second section when the response is good in the future.

After all, the C section, which is the third section, has published so many novels, the movement is so big, it has brought such a sensational effect, and even caused a game competition is this "Jianghu Beauty Conspiracy".

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