Part 7-The family dinner

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Before ui start the story i just wanted to say thank you all for so many reads!! im so so greatful for all the people who took time to read my story but let us get into part 7 of the story

Bakugou's pov

i was waiting at the lov base waiting for deku to get there as always he is taking his sweet time, Honestly i didn't care is he was a little late i was nervous anyways about him meeting my dad and papa and toga monoma and hawks were going to be there because they don't mind their own god damn business.

Deku had finally arrived and i did a hand signal that it was ok for them to come out of the base and so we could go. I got in the car and was waiting on my annoying siblings i love them to death but they can get really nosy when it gets down to it

Bakugou- hey so.. um bubba sissy and feather are coming as well they wanted to see you and (i started sluring my words so quick he barely understood and why was i so fucking nervous) and its kinda because since were dating they don't trust you like they normally would i'm sorry i told them it wasn't necessary but they insisted...

Deku- hey it's ok don't worry there is plenty of room and i you know how you dad and papa get they always make lots of extra's lol but don't worry it will all go perfectly well i will meet your dad and papa in person and it won't be that big of a deal ok??

Bakugou- your right *smiles* now we just have to wait for th- 


hawks- yep now calm down but bub you may wanna call Aizawa and Mic and  tell them that were coming so they don't get really pissed

Bakugou- oki on it


bakugou- i dont know but everyone just the fuck up im on the phone

Bakugou~ hey papa!~

aizawa~ hey kid where are you foods almost done~

bakugou~ were coming we just had to make a pit stop but papa there is something you should know~

aizawa~ whats up everything ok bub?~

bakugou~ ya everythings great but um you remember my siblings right??~

aizawa ~yes~

bakugou ~ well they are coming they pretty much invited themselves but sissy bubba and feather are going to be there so if you need you may want to make extra.. is it ok that they are coming though??~

aizawa ~of course it's ok the more the merrier plus it's been a while and i also needed to talk to   hawks anyways and its a good thing we made extras after al- ok i got to go bub your dads needing me see you at home bye bye~

bakugou~ bye bye papa! see you at home~

when i got off the phone with papa i heard nothing and got scared 

Bakugou- everything ok guys..?

t,h,m,&d- how the fuck are you so god damn cute!!??

bakugou- i dont know lol

later at aizawa and mics house

Bakugou- Dad! Papa! Were here

Aizawa then walked in and gave me a hug and and also get toga monoma one as well he shook hands with hawks and just stared at Zuzu 

Bakugou- Is dad in the dining room??

Aizawa- yes so is shin and eri

bakugou- Oki!!

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