Make It Last

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Every Friday after a long week of working with the boys we head out to our favorite spot in town, Stella’s Lounge. Nothing is better on a Friday night than unwinding with friends over great drinks. 

The music was pounding into my ears as fast as I was pounding down drinks. It wasn’t hard to get me drunk and I’m almost always down for a drink, even on a Monday at eleven in the morning. Don’t ask. 

“We’ll have to try a new place next weekend.” Kellin shouted over the loud music as I finished off a martini.

“Nah, this place is great!” I shook my head, the room spinning and slowing down. Dizzy has never felt so good!

“You’re crazy.” He giggled at started conversing with Justin and Nick. 

“I love you, you know that.” I said, not realizing he was ignoring me and had started a new conversation. I became aggravated and got up, spinning his chair around. Justin and Nick were laughing behind him. “Did you hear me?” 

“No, what’d you say?” Kellin smirked at me, knowing how drunk I was. 

“I said I love you and I want you to fuck me.” My eyes dozed as I stumbled to the floor, holding onto his knees to keep balance. Kellin was looking down at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. (GIF Image)

“(Y/N), you’re drunk.” He chuckled. “Do you want me to call you a cab?” I saw his face blushing pink.

“No!” I shouted like a toddler that only knew that one word. “Come on, Kellin…come to the bathroom with me.” I whispered, tasting the alcohol breath on my tongue.

“I think…you should go home.” He helped lift me from the ground. I nearly passed out when I fell to my knees. 

“But I love you.” I whimpered again. “I want you to love me.” I was about to go into full temper tantrum mode.

“I don’t believe you.” Kellin was giggling as he balanced my arm on his shoulder, carrying me to the front door. 

“I am!” I insisted.

“Check back with me in the morning.” He gave me a look as he called a cab. 

Kellin sat outside on a bench with me as we waited for the cab to arrive. I had fallen asleep, my head resting on his shoulder. He nudged me awake when the cab arrived and I had drooled a little on his shirt, embarrassingly. 

“Text me when you wake up tomorrow. Got it.” He pointed at me seriously after buckling me in and telling the cab driver where to go.

“I will.” My eyes were lolling about. 

“How much will it be to get her to her house?” Kellin asked. 

“Twenty.” The driver replied. My eyes were glossing over with sleep again. I watched with blurry eyes as Kellin paid for my ride home.

The next thing I knew, I was in my own bed. I didn’t know how I got there and I don’t remember getting out of the cab. All I see is the piercing sunshine glowing through my curtains, making my headache ten times worse. 

Getting out of bed was harder than usual and my mouth tasted like vomit. I didn’t want to know a damn thing. I looked at my phone, the notification light blinking green on and off (if you’ve got a Samsung, lol). Kellin had texted me.

remember to text me when u get home

I was terrified of what I did last night. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to know. Acutally, I did want to know. I always manage to embarrass myself. 

i made it home 

My fingers and arms were so achy and painful. It hurt to tap the screen of my phone.  

need me to come over and help, lol

Kellin was laughing at me? Well…it was over text but still… This made me ten times more afraid.

Kellin managed to get over in ten minutes. He was trying his hardest, but this headache would not go away. We finally settled with watching Jerry Springer on my bedroom television, my stomach resting with a warm cup of tea. 

“Do you remember anything?” He asked me.

“Not really.” I said honestly, giggling slightly. “I’m definitely worried about it though.”

“Don’t be. It wasn’t that bad.” He promised me. “You just wanted me to fuck you.” He shrugged.

“Oh…my God…I’m so sorry.” I facepalmed. I couldn’t believe what I did…it was worse than I thought…and it was the complete truth.

“Do you still wanna’ fuck me?” Kellin smiled at me with a joking tone. 

“Ha, well since the cat’s out of the bag, yeah.” I blushed, already regretting that sentence.

“Really?” He sounded interested. As if, I thought. 

“Yeah. But it’s whatever.” I shrugged, trying to play it off. 

“No, it’s not whatever!” He teased me. My heart pounded. “Because I like you and I want to make sure that you were telling the truth!”

“What?” My jaw dropped completely. I thought it was going to fall off! 

“I like you.” He smiled. “I know you want to fuck me, but I’m really wondering if you’d ever like me.” 

“You’re crazy.” I shook my head. “That is the most obvious thing ever.”

“Not really!” He whined, nudging me.

“I do like you! I like you like crazy! I didn’t think you liked me…like that!” It almost felt good to finally come clean.

“I definitely like you.” He nodded with a seductive look on his face. This conversation, I felt, was at high school level. 

“What do we do now?” I chuckled, honestly confused. This had never happened before.

“I think we go on a date.” His fingers snuck up on mine, enveloping them. 

“I think it’s a deal.” I gave him a flat-lipped smile. I just wanted to scream! Things like this never happen…at least to me!

“Great…let’s go get food in your stomach…I think that’s what your problem is.” Kellin got up and held out his hand. I groaned.

“You’re making me get up.” I whined.

“Come on.” He gave me a exasperated look. “Don’t you want a piece of this.” Cue ‘sexy’ pose. 

“This is going to be a long life.” I sighed, staring at the man that would be my new adventure.

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