Get The Story Straight

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“Hello?” I groggily picked up the phone at my bedside. The glow from the screen was intense and overwhelming.

“(Y/N), it’s Kellin.” He answered me, frantically. 

“Yeah, I know.” I rolled my eyes and fell back onto my bed, phone at my ear. “I am your band’s producer.” I didn’t have to remind him, it just felt good rolling off of my tongue.

“I need you to pick me up.” His voice slowed and cracked. He sounded completely drunk and useless.

“Why?” I whined. “I don’t have to do anything!” I was throwing a hissy fit like a toddler.

“I’m drunk…I can’t drive. I’m too…upset.” Kellin actually sounded like the broken kind of drunk instead of the fun drunk.

“Don’t you have friends with you?” I asked him, trying to sneak my way out of it.

“No.” He answered pathetically. “I came to the bar…alone…at, like, dinner time.”

“Holy shit, how do you not have alcohol poisoning?” I freaked, starting to get dressed into some outside appropriate clothing.

“A lot of binge eating.”  He chuckled lightly and then groaned in disappointment.

“I see. I’ll be over in about ten.” I promised him and hung up.

As much as I didn’t feel like driving this early, I pitied him. What’s he doing out this late anyways? It took a little more than ten minutes and I was waiting to be bitched at. Kellin was standing outside of the bar. He looked miserable as he slowly approached my car. I got out to greet him.

“What are you doing?” I laughed at him lightly.

“Drinking like crazy, what do you think?” His voice sounded like pain and his eyes drooped revealing how bloodshot they were.

“Why? It’s a Tuesday.” I shook my head at him. “We have to be in the studio tomorrow.”

“I know.” He smiled at me crookedly, staring all over my face.

“And now you have me all awake!” I shouted at him.

“That’s cool.” He obnoxiously stated, glancing at my car covered in morning dew that glimmered under the street lights. (GIF Image)

“No, it’s not cool…what are we going to do tomorrow if I don’t get sleep?!” I angrily shouted at him like his mother.

“‘Dunno.” He was acting so careless.

“Tell me what really brought you out here.” I crossed my arms and gave him a stare.

“Katelynne and I filed for divorce yesterday afternoon.” He nodded at me, sighing.

“Holy shit…” I covered my mouth in a hush.

“Yeah, we’ve been fighting lately. She tells me there’s someone else. Bad thing is, she’s more than likely going to get custody." 

"After all you do for her?!” I shouted and then tried to quiet myself. “She owes you!”

“No, no. It’s fine. I can move on…maybe. Or maybe I should just quit everything all together.” He shrugged.

“Come on.” I dragged him into the car and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Don’t give up…” I started. “You still have the boys and Cope to worry about.”

“Those boys aren’t mine.” He grouched, slumping in his seat.

“Put the belt on, Kellin.” I commanded him.

“You’re not my mother.” Kellin refused to listen.

“As your co-worker, I want you to live for tomorrows work day. Put your seat belt on.” I added. He sighed and stretched it over his chest.

After another ten minutes in near silence, I pulled into my driveway.

“Why’d you bring me here?” He wondered angrily.

“I didn’t think you’d want to go back to see Katelynne or sleep in a motel or hotel or something.” I shrugged. “You can take my guest room.”

“Cool.” He glanced over at me, his head resting on the headrest as if her were going to fall asleep in the car. “You’re so amazing.”

“Well thanks.” I blushed. “Let’s get you inside. I’ll make you something to eat with a tall glass of aspirin and-”

Kellin never lets me finish his sentence, he usually interrupts with his own words, this time was different. He interrupted with his chapped lips, letting his pain transfer into me. His lips were warm and stung my tongue with the taste of harsh vodka. 

“Kellin…” I pushed him away from me.

“What?” He looked completely confused as to what he just did.

“I like you…and yeah, I do like you like that…” I felt dumb for saying that. “But you did that out of pain. If we were to do anything…I’d want it to be in the future…when you’re not hurting anymore.”

“Wow…” He sat back. “I feel like an asshole.”

“What? No.” I shook my head. “Trust me, that was awesome, gave me butterflies…but I want it to be truthful.”

“Okay.” His voice went quiet.

“Let’s get inside.” I placed my hand over his forearm and happily squeezed. His head rolled to me and he gave a sweet smile.

As Kellin ate the sandwich I made him with a tall glass of water I set up some blankets and pillows on the couch with a full bottle of aspirin and another glass on the end table. I guided him over as he was starting to get hungover.

“You know where the bathroom is?” I asked him. He hesitantly nodded and painstakingly slid under the covers. I felt like a mother tending to her sick offspring.

I slowly went up the stairs back to bed. I used my phone to e-mail the guys not to come in to work tomorrow for Kellin. I wanted to spend the day helping him cope (no pun intended, lol)

Instead of waking up to the sound of my peaceful alarm, I heard loud gagging sounds coming from downstairs. The chaos had begun.

“Time for work.” Kellin groaned as soon as he realized I was standing behind him in my pajamas.

“No. I called everything off for today.” I made sure my voice was calming. I was sure his head was pounding.

Kellin leaned back from the toilet and flushed. His face was pale and pasty. He glanced at me with painful, drooping eyes. Giving me a closed mouth smile he swallowed hard.

“I’m sorry about last night.” His voice cracked. If I had a nickel for every time…

“You remember?” I gave him a strange look.

“Well, yeah, I wasn’t blackout drunk. I knew what I was doing…sort of.” Kellin’s laugh was tired and worn out.

“Right.” I looked at the tile floor. “Well…then you remember what I said.” I felt slightly embarrassed. He grinned a little wider.

“That I do remember.” He mustered some strength and winked at me casually. I chuckled lightly. “Thank you.” He whispered as he sat on the cold floor.

“You’re welcome.” I whispered back, closing the bathroom door behind me.

Kellin Quinn Smut and Fluffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن