Chapter 3

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Josh's POV

It all seemed to happen in slow motion. She burst through the doors, screaming in Allison's direction that it was all her fault. This made no sense. She lunges for Allison, her arm just out of my reach or I would have grabbed her. None of us were expecting her to throw a punch but she does, hitting Allison square in the nose knocking her to the ground, 

"What the fuck!?" I scream at her, "Who do you think you are?!" 

Matt grabs Allison and pulls her off to the side, cradling her face in his lap. I wanted to run to her but I need to finish this. 

"Who do you think you are?!" she screams back at me, "We were meant for each other!" 

"No! No we weren't! I told you this was done, I'm never coming back to you again, never. You need to get over it. I'm not your toy anymore, I won't play into this sick game for another second!" I scream, I'm so furious that I can feel my hands shaking. 

Nicole slips through the back door, "Whats going on?" she asks, confused. 

"Get her out of here" I say under my breath. 

"C'mon, lets go" Nicole says grabbing her hand, dragging her back into the house. 

"You listen up" she growls in Allison's direction, Allison looks up and there's blood streaming from her nose, "I don't like sharing, and I promise you this isn't over. I don't play fair" she spits out. 

Nicole manages to pull her through the door and then she's gone. 

"Josh go get some towels or something, now" Matt says urgently. 

I feel like I'm seeing red I'm so angry. How could she threaten someone she didn't even know like that, especially someone like Allison. I walk into the house and go right for the bathroom and snatch up some of the fancy hand towels that are rolled up and arranged in a tin on the counter. I run back out to the patio, my heart suddenly pounding at the thought of Allison's face bleeding like that. Man she really must have gotten a good punch in. I rush over to where Matt is sitting with Allison, he's pinching the bridge of her nose and I can see her eyes are filled with tears. 

"Oh my god, Allison I'm so sorry" I say as I kneel beside her, handing the towels to Matt. Matt takes them from my hand and starts wiping her face as she lets out a sob. 

"I think her nose might be broken Josh, we should probably take her to the hospital" Matt presses. All I can do is nod in response. 

"I'm going to go grab Nicole and fill her in. She can come up with some reason as to why we left if people start asking" he says. He squeezes Allison's hand and then disappeares into the house. 

"Looks like I'm going to have to teach you some serious ninja self defence moves" I say, taking the towel from Allison's face to examine her nose. 

She lets out a small laugh and a few tears escape her eyes. "What was that about Josh? Why did she come after me?" 

"She's having some issues getting over our break up I guess. We're always so on and off, and now that its over for good she's acting like a crazy person. I don't know what has gotten into her but I promise I won't ever let her lay a finger on you again" I say pulling her into my arms. We sit there for a few minutes before Matt returns. 

"Psssst! Guys come, this way!" he whispers from across the lawn. He's standing at a back gate I didn't realize was there. I help Allison get to her feet and guide her over to where Matt is. 

"Come on, Kev lent me his car" he says, keys jingling in his fingers. 

We walk up the street to where the car is parked.  Allison and I climb in the back and Matt speeds off. 

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