Chapter 10

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I searched frantically through the crowds of people all viewing the art that was thoughtfully placed all around the hall where the art show was taking place. It was as if the world around me made no sound, all I could hear was the sound of my heart racing in my ears. Something about this felt wrong and I wished that I hadn't felt in the pit of my stomach that there was no doubt he had found her, he was back. 

Stop. I thought, Think rationally. If Seth was really here, where would he take her?

I racked my brain going through every detail Allison had ever told me about the man who turned her life upside down. Then, I remembered the dream that she had a few months ago, more of a memory really. She told me that he had taken her up on the ledge of the building because his own brother had committed suicide there. I could be wrong but I had to try. 

Turning around back the way I came, I went straight for the elevator and took it to the highest floor available. It was 19 stories, but the penthouse suites weren't usually avaiable to the main elevators. I pressed the button anyway, and the trip upwards seemed to drag on longer than I could take. I realized that my hands were sweating, my heart never slowing down. 

As soon as the doors were open I dashed out, looking for a stairwell that might take me to the roof. The closer I got, the more right I felt about my assumption. After running down a few winding hallways I found the stairwell that went up. 'Employees Only' signs marked the doors but the locks that were in place looked to be broken. I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach, they had definitely been here. 

My legs couldn't carry me up the stairs fast enough, it felt as though I was trying to run through water. The door that led to the roof was cracked open, and my once racing heart felt as though it had come to complete stop the moment I burst through the door, hit with a burst of cold wind. The sun was not yet set, they sky casting pink and gold light on the roof of the building. Directly in front of me stood my worst fear. 

Allison's eyes were squeezed shut tight, her back pressed into the man who was holding her around the neck with his right arm, a hand gun in the other pressed to her temple. Her dark curls blew messily in the wind while she gripped tightly to the arm that had her in a head lock. Allison's legs wobbled to keep her balance, they were standing on the ledge of the building, facing out towards the bustling city below. 

My entrance to the roof caused the man to turn around, still clutching tightly to Allison as he did but now his back was outward. 

"Josh?" she choked out, wide eyes, "Josh go, go now he'll kill yo--" 

"Shut up!" the man screamed, jerking her whole body as he gripped her tighter. She just squeezed her eyes tight as tears spilt out over her cheeks. I was frozen, my body a sculpture made completely of stone, unable to move. 

"You heard the lady, she said leave" he growled, pointing the gun at me. For some reason it made me feel better knowing the gun was no longer pointed at her head but mine instead. "We have some business to finish up, don't we love?" he said, jerking Allison's body once again causing her to cry out.

They were still standing on the ledge of the building and at any moment both of them could go plummeting to their deaths. A rush of adrenaline filled my body and my head momentarily cleared. 

"Let her go" I said menacingly, taking a step forward. 

"Don't" he warned, pointing the gun back at Allison's head, "Don't come any closer."

I could tell now his hands were shaking. 

"You know how I found her? I saw her in a picture with you" he said, waving the gun back at me, "some fancy event, I saw it on the Internet. That's how I knew she was here in Vancouver. Then they published an article with her in the newspaper for this art show. I have to say, you probably should have chosen a better name then Alice" he laughed, and a shiver went down my spine. 

"Just because your brother jumped from the side of a building doesn't mean that you have to take her with you" I said as steadily as I could, inching closer to Allison and her captor. I was pretty close now, just over an arms length away. 

His eyes widened, "What did you say?" he practically yelled, "What did you tell him about me Allison?" he pressed the barrel to her temple again, "What did you tell him?!" he shrieked, and she screamed out more tears falling from her eyes. 

"Drop the gun!" I heard someone yell from behind me, spinning around I saw 4 police officers entering the roof through the same doorway I came through, guns pointed at the man on the ledge. 

Suddenly it was as if someone set the world into slow motion, Seth's eyes widened as he realized that this was his last chance to end it all. He took a step back into mid air, leaning into nothing as he pulled Allison along with him into free fall, all while one officer shot a bullet hitting him in the arm that was holding the gun. The bullet caused Seth to release Allison from his hold on her, his body twisting in pain in mid-air. I jumped forward, just close enough to grab Allison's outstretched hand the moment her feet were about to leave the ledge. Pulling her with as much force I could muster toward me, she crumpled into my arms, scraping her knees on the ledge as she came forward. 

I squeezed my eyes tight, knowing that any second Seth would be hitting the ground below us. The only thing keeping me from losing my grip was the girl who was somehow melting into me as she sobbed into my chest. 

Somehow I managed to get her to her feet. "It's over" I kept uttering to her as we stumbled toward the door as far away from that ledge as I could get her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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